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Though the horse was in the box adjoining the house, Mr. Buckram declared he had sold him to go to 'Hireland'; to what county he really couldn't say, nor to what hunt; all he knew was, the gentleman said he was a 'captin, and lived in a castle. Mr.

I was in and outer the store, and neither of 'em even looked at me." Whimple bade adieu to the crown attorney, and started away with William. "What are they fighting about now, William?" said Whimple, disgustedly, as he hurried along the street with William by his side. "Home r'rule fer I'r'r'reland or 'ome rule for Hireland! I don't know just which," answered William with a smile.

"All I say is, that a gentleman as I've the honor of being acquainted with, 'as been robbed the other night of a pocket-book stuffed with banknotes, and a case of Hirish pistols that he kept to shoot robbers, and sich other wulgar wretches as is to be found nowhere but in Hireland." "Stuffed!" exclaimed the priest, disdainfully; "as much stuffed, ma'am, as you are."

That breed's true Hirish: but I'se try and sell 'em to Squoire Jolly to hunt wi' as beagles, for he wants a pack. They do say all the swoine that the deevils were put into ha' been drawn; but for my peart, I'se sure that some on un must ha' escaped to Hireland."

The houses are well-built and far superior to the English average. A little cockney from 'Ackney, who has sailed the six hundred and seventeen miles between London and Cork and has explored most of the South and West, is quite knocked over by Newry. Leaning on the "halpenstock" with which he was about to tackle Cloughmore, he confessed that Newry hupset his hideas of Hireland and the Hirish.