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I'se spoil none and Squoire Mervyn's as cross as poy-crust too, mon he's aye maundering an my guests but land beneath his house, though it be marked for the fourth station in the Survey. Noa, noa, e'en let un smell things out o' themselves for Joe Hodges

"I minds well," said Farmer Oaklerath to his neighbour, "when the squoire hisself comed of age. Lord love 'ee! There was fun going that day. There was more yale drank then than's been brewed at the big house these two years. T'old squoire was a one'er." "And I minds when squoire was borned; minds it well," said an old farmer sitting opposite. "Them was the days! It an't that long ago neither.

I wonder how the fellow will be mounted." "If yo be speering about Mester Potts, squoire," observed the groom, "ey con tell ye. He's to ha' little Flint, the Welsh pony." "Why, zounds, you don't say, Peter!" exclaimed Nicholas, laughing; "he'll never be able to manage him. Flint's the wickedest and most wilful little brute I ever knew.

What's again its being true? When I had dropped into t'other fellow, of course she made her choice. It was me as was to blame, because I didn't do it before. I ought to ha' dropped into him when I first heard as he was arter her. It's that as girls like. So, squoire, I'm just going again to Lon'on right away.

Know'd she would when I'd polish'd t'other un off a bit; know'd she would. 'Has she written to you, then? 'Well, squoire, she ain't; not just herself. I do suppose that isn't the way they does it. But it's all as one. And then Mr Crumb thrust Mrs Hurtle's note into Roger Carbury's hand. Roger certainly was not predisposed to think well or kindly of Mrs Hurtle.

'You won't stand up for your rights, anyway! Perley looked at his employer a little askance. 'They're not our rights, if you please, Muster Mannering. We don't have nothing to say to 'un. 'They are your rights, you foolish fellow! If this abominable Government tramples on me to-day, it'll trample on you to-morrow. 'Mebbe, Squoire, mebbe, said Perley mildly.

"Please, my lady, here be young squoire Gresham," said one of the untutored servants at Boxall Hill, opening Lady Scatcherd's little parlour door as her ladyship was amusing herself by pulling down and turning, and re-folding, and putting up again, a heap of household linen which was kept in a huge press for the express purpose of supplying her with occupation.

"If ey might be so bowd os offer my advice, squoire," said old Crouch, advancing towards his master, "ey'd tee a heavy stoan round the felly's throttle, an chuck him into t' poo', an' he'n tell no teles fo' all his bragging."

As ill luck, however, would have it, a stoppage occurred at the moment, during which Nance forced her way up to him, and, taking hold of his arm, said in a low tone "Yo mun tae me in wi' ye, squoire." "Take you in with me impossible!" cried Nicholas. "Nah! it's neaw impossible," rejoined Nance, pertinaciously; "yo con do it, an yo shan. Yo owe me a good turn, and mun repay it now."

'As you say, she'll be learning something that may be useful to her in another sphere. Of course there is a good deal to do, and I should not be surprised if she were to think after a bit that your house in Bungay was more comfortable than Mrs Pipkin's kitchen in London. 'My little back parlour; eh, squoire! And I've got a four-poster, most as big as any in Bungay.