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"I'se getting along werry slowly," he said, "'cos I've got to creep afore I can walk. But things is vorking, and no mistake; and I 'spected ven I took that horn of viskey the other night, that it would clear my hideas, and make me find somethin'." "Well, what have you found out?" I demanded.

The houses are well-built and far superior to the English average. A little cockney from 'Ackney, who has sailed the six hundred and seventeen miles between London and Cork and has explored most of the South and West, is quite knocked over by Newry. Leaning on the "halpenstock" with which he was about to tackle Cloughmore, he confessed that Newry hupset his hideas of Hireland and the Hirish.

Therefore, if you desire to make Australia a home, don't be mixed up in the present struggle, if possible." "I am half inclined to think that you are right," Murden said, at length. "I also begin to think so," the inspector remarked. "I've hall 'long hentertained similar hideas," Steel Spring said, but he was not attended to.

At that, his mates in the yard thought well to let the matter drop. "That there Bill has his queer hideas abaht most things; better leave him to hisself," they remarked, with a twist of the mouth, and passed on. Bill had a habit of speaking his thoughts aloud, especially when up at night. He found company in the habit, and was employing his time in this way now. "Two o'clock.

"When I saw how badly he took it, and how wretched he seemed, I almost made up my mind to go away and never trouble him any more." "You did, did you?" "And just to take what he'd choose to give me." "Oh, them's your hideas, hare they? Then I tell you what; I shall just take the matter into my own hands hentirely. You have no more 'eart than a chicken."