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"Vel, if this isn't a surprise may I never speak again, or make an honest living vhile in the bush. To think that three of my old pals should turn up jist as I vanted 'um, is a vonderful thing and no mistake. If ye axes me vat I'll drink, I shall say rum."

But when she had let us tease her a wee bit just for one little German song, she went to the instrument, talking slowly as she went, and closing the door in the entomologist's direction as she talked. "Siss a great vhile I haf not done siss," she concluded, as her fingers began to drift over the keys, and then she sang, very gently, even guardedly, but oh, so sweetly! We were amazed.

Or, at any rate, that was my feeling; every note she uttered was melodiously kind, but every sentence was an arrow sent home. "You make me," she said, "you make me sink of se aunt of my musser, vhat she said to my musser vhen my musser iss getting married. 'Senda, she said, 'vonce in a vhile' is sat right, 'vonce in a vhile? so?

Many ossehs befo'e I haf savedt vhen hadt sose doctohs no long-eh any hope! Mine Gott! vas sare so much hope vhen she and her hussbandt mine sick hussbandt and me out of se street took in? Vill you let stay by mine hussbandt, anyhow a short vhile, one of yo' so goodt sairvants?" The instant I assented she flew down the veranda steps, through the garden, and out across the street.

"It means that, at the proper time, each will have a chance to get up and say exactly what he thinks within the decencies of debate." "Vell, I tink I'll join for a vhile, anyvay." Then a red-faced man introduced himself. "I'm Jack Hinks, teamster, and I want to know if any drinks will be sold on the premises." "No, sir; nothing intoxicating." "I mean on the sly."

You vas the least of us, big as you be now; and you vent round and opened the door for us; and ven you had opened the door, you saw a voman had joined us, and you were a funked then, and stayed vithout the crib, to keep vatch vhile ve vent in." "Well, well," cried Ned, "what the devil has all this rigmarole got to do with Paul?" "Now don't be glimflashy, but let me go on smack right about.

"If Hugo he come vhile I am avay, you tell him I pring youst two three tings from my voman for you. I'm back right avay. So long, ma'am!" She was left alone for at least a quarter of an hour, and it reminded her of a long wait she had undergone in the reception-room of the hospital.

"Ach! Vot isn't der matter?" cried the moon-faced one. "I haf a part vot incessitates me to be bound und gagged by a band of robbers, und stood in a corner vhile dey loot der blace." "Well, that's a nice, romantic part," observed Paul. "Yah, but how would you like to haf a rag stuffed in your mout so vot you couldn't breath yet for five minutes? How vould you like dot; hey? Dell me dot!"

"But but I'm not his wife, either!" cried Madge, nervously. "I I don't yoost understand, den," said the good woman, placidly. "Oh! mebbe you help grub-stake him vhile he vork at de rocks for dat silfer and you come see how he gettin' along. Ve tank he do very vell." "Yes, Hugo he got some ore as is lookin' very fine, all uncofered alretty," Stefan informed her.

"We haven't been able to make a run since the first inning, but those seven scores were enough." "Yah," said Dunnerwurst "Dot Ephraim Gallup he didid der pizness. Der game threw him avay." "Gol dinged if yeou've gut anything to say!" rasped the Vermonter. "Yeou started all the trouble." "Uf Frankie had let der pitcher's plate stay py me a vhile longer, it vould haf peen different.