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Updated: August 28, 2024

"I go to a place which is callet Ravensnest goot place to sell vatch, dey tells me." "Ravensnest!" exclaimed the father. "Ravensnest!" repeated the daughter, and that in tones which put the hurdy-gurdy to shame. "Why, Ravensnest is the place where I live, and the parish of which I am the clergyman the Protestant Episcopal clergyman, I mean." This, then, was the Rev. Mr.

"Vould you like a vatch?" "That would I; and a farm, too, if I could get 'em cheap," answered Brigham, with a sneer he did not attempt to conceal. "How do you sell farms to-day?" "I haf got no farms; I sells drinkets and vatches, but I doesn't sell farms. Vhat I haf got I vill sell, but I cannot sells vhat I haf not got." "Oh! you'll get all you want if you'll stay long enough in this country!

"Good day, good day," cried Miller, hastily, and glancing his eye a little curiously at our equipments. "What have you got in your box essences?" "Nein; vatches and drinkets;" setting down the box and opening it at once, for the inspection of all present. "Von't you burchase a goot vatch, dis bleasant mornin'?" "Be they ra-al gold?" asked Miller, a little doubtingly.

"Wait a moment; your rascality will do you no good, and may get you into trouble. I have very little money left." "Den you can leave your vatch till you brings de money." "Ah, thank Heaven! that is safe, and beyond your clutches." "In a pawnshop? or vas he stolen, like de tousand dollar, and you been made give him up?"

"It's a thing that's opposed to the spirit of the institutions, as you can see by my feelin's at this very moment. But no matter! I'll keep the watch, if you say so, and show you the way into that part of the country, as your pay." "Agreet, shentlemans. Vat I vants is atfice, and vat you vants is a vatch."

He said to Wry-Necked Smith: "Py Gott, you don't vatch dem dam Yankees glose enough! Dey are schlippin' rount, and peatin' you efery dimes." This was Captain Henri Wirz, the new commandant of the interior of the prison. There has been a great deal of misapprehension of the character of Wirz. He is usually regarded as a villain of large mental caliber, and with a genius for cruelty.

"What shall I tell you ?" "Something about love," Lizotchka says languidly. "Or some anecdote about Jews. . . ." Vassily Stepanovitch, ready for anything if only his wife will be cheerful and not talk about death, combs locks of hair over his ears, makes an absurd face, and goes up to Lizotchka. "Does your vatch vant mending?" he asks.

"Now, I'll tell ye wot it is," observed Bounce while thus engaged, "I means for to have a most awful blow out, and then go to sleep for four-and-twenty hours on end." "Ditto," remarked Big Waller with a nod; to which old Redhand replied with a chuckle. "An' who be go to vatch, tink you?" inquired Gibault, as they all returned to the camp. "Perhaps de Injuns look out for us vat den?"

It was an astonishing revelation of character, that glance. I think the Swede designed it so, for he was about to make me a momentous offer. "Ay ship you by easy ship, shore-going ship. No vatch, no heavy veather, good times, ja. You thump mine roonar, you take his voomans, so you take his yob. Ja? You ship by the Knitting Swede?"

Maybe tventy-five years ago. Dings got all mixed up and my businesses got vorse und vorse. Und den my son ran avay und wrides me he become a sailor. So I vas alone." "Dis vatch," sighed Gustave, "is very hard to figx. It iss an old vatch und not much good to begin vit. But I figx him. Vat vas ve talking aboud? Oh, my business. Yes, yes. It goes like dat.

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