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From Ostia comes an inscription which was set up by the grain measurers' union to Q. Petronius Q.f. Melior, etc., praetor of a small town some ten miles from Ostia, and also quattuorvir quinquennalis of Faesulae, a town above Florence, which seems to show that he was sent to Faesulae as a quinquennalis, for the honor which he had held previously was that of praetor in Laurentum.

N. Cluvius M'. f. was a quattuorvir at Caudium, a duovir at Nola, and a quattuorvir quinquennalis at Capua, which again shows that a quinquennalis need not have been an official previously in the town in which he held the quinquennial office. C. Maenius C.f.

Bassus was aedile and quattuorvir at Herculaneum and then after holding the tribuneship of a legion is found next at Praeneste as a quinquennalis. M. Vettius M.f.

Q. Decius Saturninus was a quattuorvir at Verona, but a quinquennalis at Aquinum. The quinquennial year seems to have been the year in which matters of consequence were more likely to be done than at other times. In 166 A.D. in Ostia a dedication was of importance enough to have the names of both the consuls of the year and the duoviri quinquennales at the head of the inscription.

Calvus, who had been aedile and quattuorvir at Teate Marrucinorum, was given the quinquennial rights, it was of such importance that it needed especial mention, and that such mention was made by a decree of the city senate, shows clearly that such a method of getting a quinquennalis was out of the ordinary.