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As soon as Aponibolinayen heard the noise of the shields she shouted and Danay of Kabisilan shouted also, and those who shouted were the ladies who always staid in the house. When they passed by the spring of Natpangan Aponigawani shouted. When they passed by Pindayán, Gimbagonan shouted and the world trembled while she shouted.

Not long after the stick became a balaua. The betel-nuts arrived in Natpangan and said to Aponibalagen, "We came to call you, for Kadayadawan of Pintagayan is making balaua." Aponibalagen said, "How can we attend the balaua when we are searching for my sister?" "If you do not wish to come I will grow on your knee." "Go on my pig."

Aponitolau called his mother and asked who it was and his mother replied that it was Gimbangonan. So Aponitolau went to Natpangan. "Why did you go to kill Aponibolinayen?" "I went to kill her for you do not care for me any more." "I do not like you, for you are a very big woman. Every time you step the floor is broken. If you come again to Kadalayapan I will cut your head off.

"You tell your name first, because you are the people who live here." "No, my uncle, you old men are the first to tell your names." "My name is Aponibalagen, who is the son of Pagatipánan and Ebang of Natpangan, who is the brother of Aponibolinayen." "My name is Aponitolau, who is the son of Pagbokásan and Langa-an, who is the brother of Aponigawani, whose son is Dumnau."

Not long after they arrived in Natpangan and Iwaginan and the other people went to attend the pakálon, and also many people from the other towns. When all whom they had invited arrived they agreed how much Gawigawen should pay for his wife. Aponibalagen told them to fill the balaua eighteen times with valuable things. So the balaua was filled.

When they had been in Natpangan ten days they returned home and Aponibolinayen's father and mother went with them and saw the jars. When they reached the field where the jars were they were afraid that the jars would eat them, but Aponitolau fed them. The father and mother of Aponibolinayen were surprised for there were many valuable jars which filled the wide field of Kabinalan.

"Why, Ayo, does the milk from your breasts drop on my legs?" he asked. He sat up and asked them many times until they brought the baby. When they brought the baby, "We are going home to Natpangan now, because it does not do me any good to try and hide you."

When they arrived none of them wanted the baby to recognize them. When the baby did not go to any of them, he sent someone to get a betel-nut to send to Dagdagalisit whom they had not invited. As soon as the betel-nut arrived at the place where Dagdagalisit lived "Dagdagalisit came to Natpangan for Awig makes balaua," it said.

It is good fortune for me that I met you here washing your hair." "My name is Gimbangonan of Natpangan, who am the daughter of It-tonagan, who is the sister of Aldasan." As soon as she told her name she disappeared and went to hide among the betel nuts on the branch of a tree. So Aponitolau was very sorry and he went back home without washing his hair.

"My name is Aponibolinayen, who is the sister of Aponibalagen of Natpangan, who put me here so no one might see me. It is bad that you have come." When the daylight came Alama-an went to cook and when she finished the old woman said to her, "Go and call the man and see if he wishes to eat with the girls.