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You call them, but do not call Aponibolinayen, for that is why we are here, so no one can see her. I do not know why the alligators did not see him." Aponibolinayen and Ingiwan heard what she said and they laughed. So Alama-an went to call him, but he was not in the room.

The three girls and the old woman agreed not to tell that a man had been there. As soon as Aponibalagen arrived in Kabwa-an he asked the old woman if anyone had been there, and she replied, "No." He called Alama-an and the other girls to the place where Aponibolinayen was, so all of them might louse him.

You go to all the towns where our relatives live and invite them, and if they do not wish to come you grow on their knees." So the betel-nuts went. Not long after the people whom they invited came to the place where they made balaua and they all danced. The companion of Ilwisan of Dagápan in dancing was Alama-an. When Ilwisan stamped his feet the earth rumbled.

When he looked up at Alama-an he said, "How terrible is the love of the ladies toward me; she thinks that I love her," but he wished to dance with Linongan. When they finished dancing, Asigtanan and Dondonyán of Bagtalan danced next. When Dondonyán shook his foot the world smiled and it rained softly. When they finished dancing, Iwaginan and Linongan, who never goes outdoors, danced.

So Aponitolau gave him the belt and he got a golden chair and he put it in the middle of the party and made Don Carlos sit on it. All of the people were dancing and Aponitolau went and sharpened his headaxe. Not long after, "Ala, you Aponibolinayen take Kanag and Alama-an with you and dance with Don Carlos." Not long after they danced.

While they were dancing Aponitolau cut off the head of Don Carlos. The head sprang up and went to the breast of Aponibolinayen, and Aponibolinayen and Kanag and Alama-an ran away, and their clothes were torn, for they ran through many thorns. Not long after the people who went to attend the Sayang went home, and Aponibolinayen and Kanag and Alama-an arrived in a level plain.

When he was in the room where the old woman was, he left, and went where Alama-an was, and he went on to Sinogyaman. When he did not like her he went to Indiápan. "This is the last girl she showed me and I like her, but I believe that there is another prettier." So he went to the next room, but no one slept there, and so he went on to the ninth room.

As soon as they had taken the girls out they made them sit in one row and the circle of people was very bright, because of the girls, for they were all pretty. After that Iwaginan made Daliknáyan and Dalonagan and Alama-an and Asigtanán dance with Ilwisan of Dagápan. When they had danced across the circle five times they stopped.

"Ala, you Alama-an go and cook some food for this young man," said the old woman, and Alama-an went truly, and when she finished cooking, the old woman called him to eat. The young man said he did not wish to eat unless one of the ladies who never went outdoors ate with him. "Alama-an is the girl who never goes outdoors," said the old woman, but he did not believe her, and so he did not go.

She looked at him from the window, and she saw that he was a fine looking man. She did not tell Aponibolinayen, but she had him go up the ladder. The old woman who took care of them asked why she did not tell her and Aponibolinayen. Alama-an said she did not know what she was doing when she had him go up. So the old woman went to ask him what he came for.