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So Wadagan went back home and he went everywhere and Dolimáman, Kanag and Dagoláyan staid in Nagbotobotán. There was a man Awig and Aponibolinayen, and there was a girl named Linongan. "Ala, you make Linongan start for she goes to watch the mountain rice. You cook for her so that she goes to watch and I go to guide her," said Awig. "Why do you dislike our daughter Linongan?

When they arrived in Pindayan, Iwaginan and Linongan went to bathe in the river, and Iwaginan saw the place where the alzados had cut Linongan in her side, and he went to make a magical well in which a person can bathe and lose all scars and wounds; and it looked as if she had no cut and she was prettier, and they went home.

As soon as Awig left Linongan in the field, the tattooed alzados went to the watch house, and Linongan laid down for she was afraid of them. When the tattooed alzados looked up toward the watch house it seemed as if the moon shone, "Ala, we will go up and see what that is." They went up, and when they arrived in the place where the girl was they were surprised at her beauty.

Do not show yourself if anyone comes," said Awig to her and he went home to Natpangan. "Ala, you are so happy now, Awig, for you cannot see our daughter Linongan," said his wife Aponibolinayen, and Awig laid down in the balaua and Aponibolinayen laid down in the room.

Not long after they had killed Linongan, "Why does my breast flutter so, Awig?" said Aponibolinayen. "I feel sad also," said Awig. "Ala, Aponibolinayen you cook food for me to take when I go and see our daughter," said Awig. Aponibolinayen truly went to cook for him.

When he looked up at Alama-an he said, "How terrible is the love of the ladies toward me; she thinks that I love her," but he wished to dance with Linongan. When they finished dancing, Asigtanan and Dondonyán of Bagtalan danced next. When Dondonyán shook his foot the world smiled and it rained softly. When they finished dancing, Iwaginan and Linongan, who never goes outdoors, danced.

You go and I will follow," she said. "Yes," they said. When the spirits arrived in Kaodanan the old woman Alokotán arrived also. As soon as she arrived she went at once where Linongan was lying. "Ala, you Aponibolinayen and Awig this is your pay, for although you have only one daughter you sent her to the mountain field," said the old woman Alokotán to them.

When she snapped her perfume, she at once breathed a long breath. "Wes how terrible my sleep was," said Linongan. "'How terrible my sleep' you say. The tattooed alzados nearly inherited you. I went to follow you because they took you to their town and they danced with your head," said Awig.

"Ala, stop that is enough to pay for our daughter," said Aponibolinayen. "I pay now." "Yes," they said. "Now that we have made the payment we will go home," said Dinowágan. "If you do not let us take Linongan to Pindayan, Iwaginan will live here and I will come to visit them," said Dinowágan to Awig and Aponibolinayen. As soon as Dinowágan and her companions went home.

Awig and Aponibolinayen did not answer for they were ashamed. When the old woman had finished to talk to them she put saliva around the cut on Linongan and caused it to join. When she snapped her perfume Linongan woke up at once. When she snapped her perfume Linongan moved at once. "I use my power so when I snap my perfume banawes she will blow out her breath!"