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Where did you come from?" said Aponigawani. "We came from Nagbotobotán where our mother Alokotán lives." Not long after Aponigawani went to cook for them to eat. As soon as she cooked she fed them. So they ate. Not long after they finished eating and they talked. After that it became night.

Wadagan got out of the balaua and said, "I am going to take a walk and see if I can meet Dolimáman and our house which is made of gold." Not long after he went to walk, and he did not meet any of them. "I am going to go to Nagbotobotán and see if the new raft went there."

The gall sack and liver of a pig are eagerly examined, while the calls of birds, actions of animals, or signs received from the thunder and lightning regulate their conduct. Death comes to them, but apparently is only a temporary state. The streams and rivers, we are told, all flow past Nagbotobotán before they empty into the hole where all streams go.

I do not know what my father and mother did with you." The alan who cared for Aponitolau said, "He was by the road where Langa-an had dropped him on her way to Nagbotobotán, so I picked him up, for I have no children." As soon as Aponitolau paid the marriage price they danced again, and the alan gave all her things to Aponitolau, for Langa-an and Pagatipánan took them home.

The one that went to Nagbotobotán the place where lived the old woman Alokotán said, "Good morning, I do not tarry, the reason of my coming is that Ebang and Pagatipánan commanded me, because Aponibolinayen is there." "Yes, you go first, I will come, I will follow you. I go first to wash my hair and bathe," she said.

Ayo said, "Those were my sons. I think they have become men." So she went around the town looking for them. Not long after she met them and she saw that they were no longer little pigs. "Where did you come from, my dear sons?" "We came from Nagbotobotán, Aunt," they answered. "Do not call me aunt, call me mother," said Apon=lbolinayen. The young boys would not call her mother.

So Wadagan went back home and he went everywhere and Dolimáman, Kanag and Dagoláyan staid in Nagbotobotán. There was a man Awig and Aponibolinayen, and there was a girl named Linongan. "Ala, you make Linongan start for she goes to watch the mountain rice. You cook for her so that she goes to watch and I go to guide her," said Awig. "Why do you dislike our daughter Linongan?

"My mother is in Nagbotobotán and her name is Alokotán," said the boy. "Ala, let us go. Where is Nagbotobotán? Guide me," said Dolimáman. As soon as they arrived, she said, "Good morning, my Aunt." "Good morning also," said Alokotán. "My son is with you," said Dolimáman. "Yes, your son is with me, because I met him by the river near the well."

Their mistress eats and says, "I did not think that the blood of people tasted so badly, now I shall not send you again, for you have already killed many people." "You whom I send, go to the place where our relatives live in Sudipán," said Maganáwan of Nagbotobotán, "because I desire very much the blood of the rooster mixed with rice." "How many snakes and birds now," said the Ipogau.

Dumanau wandered about as if crazy, and his oldest son walked in front of him. He carried the next child on his back and carried the third on his hip. When the tabalang arrived in Nagbotobotán, "Tatalao, I am tabalang of Kadalayapan, and on me is a golden rooster," said the rooster on the tabalang which was made of gold.