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"Why do you agree, Awig, do you not like our only daughter?" said Aponibolinayen. "I like her, but it is better for her to be married. He seems to have power. Don't you know that a girl has many dangers? It is better for her to be married, because she is the only daughter we have," said Awig. Not long after they made pakálon.

"You carry the female pig so that you have something to eat by the river," said Awig to Dagdagalisit. So they went; Aponibolinayen carried the poor box and Awig took her beads and clothes off from her, and he gave her old clothes to use, and so they went. When they were near the spring they threw away the things they carried, the female pig and poor box.

Not long after Awig went to take four small branches of the tree and he used magic, "I use my power so that when the four sticks will stand they will become a balaua." He used his power and truly the four sticks became a balaua and Aponibolinayen commanded someone to pound rice. Ten days later they made Libon, on the tenth night.

"How terrible are the people who are like Kaboniyan for they are so different from us," said the other people who went to attend balaua with them. Not long after, when all the people had finished dancing and the balaua was over, the people went home and Iwaginan was engaged to Linongan. Aponibolinayen said, "We do not wish that our daughter be married yet," but Awig agreed.

Not long after they went home and Awig took all the payment for Aponibolinayen and all the alan flew away. So Awig and Aponitolau went to their towns. Aponibalagen went to put Aponibolinayen in Kabwa-an, where no one could see her. As soon as they arrived at the ocean they rode on the crocodiles to Kabwa-an.

That is why I did not reach the town where I wanted to go and fight," he said. "Ala, make him sit down," said the bravest. "Yes," said alzados and they made him sit, and they danced again. "Ala, you give him a coconut shell filled with basi, then he must dance, when he finishes to drink," said the bravest again. Awig stood up.

After that Aponitolau went to make Awig sit down. "You sit down, brother-in-law, and we will forget the things which have passed." Then he made him sit down and soon Awig and Asigtánan danced. While they were dancing Aponitolau went to cut off Awig's head. Not long after the women who never go outdoors went to bring Awig to life.

He used his magic again so that the flame was so high there that the alzados, who always followed, could not reach him. As soon as the flame was gone they followed again, and Awig shouted. The alzados were frightened and were afraid to follow him for they were then near to Kaodanan. "Ala, we will go back or the people of Kaodanan will inherit our heads," and they went back home.

When it became morning Awig commanded someone to go and get the betel-nut which is covered with gold. As soon as they arrived they oiled the betel-nuts. "Ala, all you betel-nuts, you go to invite the people from the other towns who are relatives so that they will come to make balaua with us.

"I do not think that Dagdagalisit has a spring like this, for his clout is only the dry bark of the banana, but it is best for us to go and see in the town." They went, and when they had almost reached the town the golden house twinkled. "We must not walk by the golden house," said Awig. "We must not walk by that golden house, you say, but that is where the people are dancing," said Aponibolnay.