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Aponibalagen sent me to talk to you, for he wishes to marry Aponigawani," she said. "If you think it is good it will be all right," said Aponitolau, so she took out the engagement gift and she put one earring inside of a little jar and it was filled with gold. Aponitolau lifted his eyebrows and half of the gold disappeared, so Ebang put another earring in the pot and it was full again.

Langa-an replied, "Another five times the balaua full," and Ebang said to her son, "We have to pay again the balaua five times full." "That is all right mother I have many jars which my alan mother gave me," so they gave the extra jars which they asked. As soon as they gave all the jars they took Aponigawani of Kaodanan with them.

So Langa-an went home and when she arrived she laid down on the porch of the house for she was drunk, and Lingiwan saw her and waked her. "What is the matter with you?" he said. "I am drunk for Pagbokásan and Ebang urged me to drink much basi, so I was scarcely able to get home, that is why I slept on the porch." "Mother, you go into the house, do not sleep on the porch."

They made balaua, and not long after Ebang used magic, so that many people went to pound rice for them, and when they had finished to pound rice they built balaua, and they went to get the betel-nut which is covered with gold for chewing. When these arrived, Ebang oiled them when it began to get dark. "You betel-nuts go to all the people in the whole world and invite them.

After that Langa-an and Ebang went to talk with the two alan, and said to them, "We are surprised for we did not feel our sons come out." The alan said, "Lingiwan I picked up by the side of the road while you were walking, that is why you did not feel him; he was a little bloody when I picked him up, and I made him a man because I have no child to inherit all my things.

Ebang said, "Ala! husband Pagatipánan, let us make balaua and invite our relatives who are sorrowing for Aponibolinayen," and Pagatipánan said, "We shall make balaua when next month comes, but now Aponibolinayen feels ill, perhaps she is tired." Not long after that Aponibolinayen commanded them to prick her little finger which itched; and when her mother pricked it out popped a pretty baby.

When Ini-init and the betel-nut approached, the baby was happy and he went to be carried by Ini-init. When they arrived at the festival place, the people saw that he who carried the baby rolled because he was round, and they saw he was not a man but a stone, and Ebang and Pagatipánan said, "Ala!

As soon as the pakálon was finished the people all went home, and Pagbokásan and Ebang said, "Ala, now that the pakálon is over let us take Aponigawani," Langa-an answered, "If you make extra payment you can take Aponigawani now," and Dangdangáyan said to his mother, "If they want the extra payment, ask them how much."

We will have a good time during pakálon," they said. After that Langa-an and Pagatipánan said, "Now the meal is ready. We are going to eat first and after that you will hear what we say." And Pagbokásan and Ebang did not wish to eat for they were in a hurry and only went to hear if they wished Dangdangáyan to be the husband of Aponigawani.

After they finished eating they took the big coconut shell and filled it with basi and each of them drank, and they were all drunk, and Langa-an said, "I like to hear from you if you wish Lingiwan to be a son." Soon Pagbokásan and Ebang agreed. They decided on the day for pakálon.