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So Langa-an left a little jar and agate bead, as a sign of the engagement, for Gimbangonan. Not long after she went back home to Kadalayapan. When she arrived where Aponitolau was lying down she said, "Wes" for she was tired and Aponitolau heard her and he went and inquired what was the matter.

It is good fortune for me that I met you here washing your hair." "My name is Gimbangonan of Natpangan, who am the daughter of It-tonagan, who is the sister of Aldasan." As soon as she told her name she disappeared and went to hide among the betel nuts on the branch of a tree. So Aponitolau was very sorry and he went back home without washing his hair.

He can strike his shield and it sounds like one thousand." When he arrived at the spring of Gimbangonan he was still striking his shield, and when Gimbangonan heard she said, "Someone is going to fight." He shouted, for he was very happy and the world trembled and Kanag looked like a flitting bird, for he was always moving.

His mother answered that they had agreed on the marriage and the next day he could go and marry Gimbangonan. As soon as the next day came they prepared jars of basi, and pigs to be carried to Natpangan, and Aponitolau carried one large empty jar. So they went. As soon as they arrived Aponitolau asked where Gimbangonan was, and the people said, "Look at the big woman."

She asked where the ford was and when Asindamáyan told her, she spread her belt on the water and it ferried her across. Not long after she reached the other side of the river, and she inquired for the house of Gimbangonan. Asindamáyan answered, "You look for the house where many people are putting props under the house. That is the house of Gimbangonan. Her porch has many holes in it."

Do not come again to harm Aponibolinayen." He went home to Kadalayapan and he divorced Gimbangonan. Not long after they went to the pasture and they rode on the back of a carabao. As soon as they arrived, all the jars rolled around them and stuck out their tongues and Aponibolinayen was afraid, for she feared the jars would eat them. The wide field was full of jars.

So they chewed and Aponitolau said, "My name is Aponitolau of Kadalayapan who is the son of Langa-an and Pagbokásan to whom you told a lie for you said you were Gimbangonan, and now I want to know your real name." "My name is Aponibolinayen of Natpangan who is the daughter of Ebang and Pagatipánan."

Gimbangonan was very happy and said to her mother, "You tell him yes, for I wish to marry Aponitolau." So It-tonagan agreed to the marriage and Langa-an asked how much the marriage price would be. "The regular custom of the people with magical power which is the balaua nine times full," said Aldasan, because It-tonagan was always restless and was walking outside the house.

Aponitolau called his mother and asked who it was and his mother replied that it was Gimbangonan. So Aponitolau went to Natpangan. "Why did you go to kill Aponibolinayen?" "I went to kill her for you do not care for me any more." "I do not like you, for you are a very big woman. Every time you step the floor is broken. If you come again to Kadalayapan I will cut your head off.

Some of them went to Pindayan and Donglayan, which is the home of Iwaginan and Gimbangonan. Not long after Aponibolinayen was anxious to chew betel-nut. "I am going to chew. What ails me, for I am so anxious to chew? I had not intended to eat anything while Kanag is away." She looked up at her basket, and she saw that an oiled betel-nut, which was covered with gold, was in it.