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They'll get a back-cast o' his hand yet, that think sae muckle o' the creature and sae little o' the Creator sae muckle o' warld's gear and sae little o' a broken covenant sae muckle about thae wheen pieces o' yellow muck, and sae little about the pure gold o' the Scripture sae muckle about their ain friend and kinsman, and sae little about the elect, that are tried wi' hornings, harassings, huntings, searchings, chasings, catchings, imprisonments, torturings, banishments, headings, hangings, dismemberings, and quarterings quick, forby the hundreds forced from their ain habitations to the deserts, mountains, muirs, mosses, moss-flows, and peat-hags, there to hear the word like bread eaten in secret."

They'll get a back-cast o' his hand yet, that think sae muckle o' the creature and sae little o' the Creator sae muckle o' warld's gear and sae little o' a broken covenant sae muckle about thae wheen pieces o' yellow muck, and sae little about the pure gold o' the Scripture sae muckle about their ain friend and kinsman, and sae little about the elect, that are tried wi' hornings, harassings, huntings, searchings, chasings, catchings, imprisonments, torturings, banishments, headings, hangings, dismemberings, and quarterings quick, forby the hundreds forced from their ain habitations to the deserts, mountains, muirs, mosses, moss-flows, and peat-hags, there to hear the word like bread eaten in secret."