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There was an empty space to the right of the gate it would have looked well there real handsome, Dan opined. With his mind full of this thought he returned to Mary, and immediately imparted it to her. "Alanna, we wouldn't have known ourselves, we'd have been so grand," he added. "Goold letthers, no less. I don't know that I'd altogether fancy them little skulls, though.

That worruk has been done; my name as the greatest living Wild Man from Barneo is writ, sor, in letthers av goold upon fame's highest pin er, pinister! There, sor, it is to-day, and shall I now " "Billy," replied the queer little man, "you shall not. Your vords is werry booterful an' werry true.

Silence, boys whist, all of yez, till I spell Nebachodnazure for Paddy Magouran. Listen; and you yourself, Paddy, are one of the letthers: A turf and a clod spells Nebachod A knife and a razure, spells Nebachodnazure Three pair of boots and five pair of shoes Spells Nebachodnazure, the king of the Jews.

Buckley, says he, 'what's the news? 'Be dhe husth, says I, 'before I sell you the chickens, let me ax is the Cooleen Bawn at home? 'She is, says he, lookin' me sharp and straight in the face; 'do you want her? 'I would like to see her, says I, 'for a minute or two. 'Ay, says he, back agin to me, 'you have a message and you know besides that she never buys chickens; that's my business. 'But, says I, back agin, 'I was tould by him that you were faithful, and could be depinded on. 'Ay, says he; 'but I thought he had left the counthry. 'Troth, then, says I, 'he's to the fore still, and won't lave the counthry till he sees her wanst more, at all events. 'Have you a letther? 'Betherahin, says I, 'could you let me see her; for he tould me to say to her that she is not, to indite letthers to him, for fraid of discovery. 'Well, says he, 'as the master's at home, I'll have some difficulty in spakin' to her.

She is r'adin' her book, and writin' letthers, and thinkin' great thoughts, all the time. When she was speakin' to me to-day, she looked at me so wonderin' and faraway I could see that she thought I wasn't there at all at all, and me farninst her all the time no childer, dear, don't be thinkin' of it, and Pearlie, I think ye'd better not be puttin' notions inter their heads.

But then there's my sowl," said Andy, and he paused at the thought , "if they hanged me for the letthers, it would be only for a mistake, and sure then I'd have a chance o' glory; for sure I might go to glory through a mistake; but if I killed a man on purpose, sure it would be slappin' the gates of Heaven in my own face. Faix, I'll spake to Father Blake about it."

Well, the king was lookin' out of his dhrawin'-room windy, for divarshin, whin the waiver kem in; but the waiver pretended not to see him, and he wint over to a stone sate, undher the windy for, you see, there was stone sates all round about the place for the accommodation o' the people for the king was a dacent, obleeging man; well, as I said, the waiver wint over and lay down an one o' the sates, just undher the king's windy, and purtended to go asleep; but he took care to turn out the front of his shield that had the letthers an it; well, my dear, with that, the king calls out to one of the lords of his coort that was standin' behind him, howldin' up the skirt of his coat, accordin' to rayson, and says he: 'Look here, says he, 'what do you think of a vagabone like that comin' undher my very nose to go sleep?

The worst of it is, he says, 'it's a terrible wild outlandish place, and I can't be promisin' ye many letthers, for God knows if there'll be a post-office in it at all, says he; 'but I'll be thinkin' of ye often, an' ye must keep up your heart, he says. Well," sucking up her breath again, "poor Mrs.

Greeting the policemen quietly, he turned to the broken body. "Tchkk! good God!" He shook his head sadly. Redmond thought he had never seen a medical man so unprofessionally shocked. Presently he straightened up and turned to Slavin. "Can you identify him, Sergeant?" That worthy nodded. "Eyah! 'tis Larry Blake, I'm thinking Docthor. Best frisk him now an' see, I guess. Maybe he has letthers."

'Twas there Captain Moonlight started from, an' the whole disthrict was shiverin' in their shoes. I refused to subscribe to the Land Lague, an' they started to compil me, but, be the powers, they tackled the wrong tom-cat whin they wint to coarce Dennis Mulcahy. Threatenin' letthers, wid pictures o' death's-heads, an' guns, an' pikes, an' coffins, was but a thrifle to the way they wint on.