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"Right!" exclaimed Stubb, approvingly, "coax 'em to it, try that," and Fleece continued. "Do you is all sharks, and by natur wery woracious, yet I zay to you, fellow-critters, dat dat woraciousness 'top dat dam slappin' ob de tail! How you tink to hear, 'spose you keep up such a dam slapping and bitin' dare?" "Cook," cried Stubb, collaring him, "I won't have that swearing.

"Drat the little beggars," he was muttering as he kept on digging at his leg, "they sure do beat anything I ever run acrost in all my wanderin's. It ain't so bad to be slappin' at pesky skeeters, 'cause I'm used to sich bloodsuckers; but sandflies, and' jiggers, an' redbugs make a combination that'd be hard to beat."

But Suez I pledge you my word I wouldn't 'a' given a horseshoe-nail for the whole layout! Now! well, you'd e'en a'most think you was in a Western town! The way they're a slappin' money, b' Jinks, into improvements and enterprises quarries, roads, bridges, schools, mills 'twould make a Western town's head swim!" "What kind of mills?" asked his listener, a young man, but careworn.

She likes to have him around till she leans ag'in' him and rubs the paint off, then she's out shootin' eyes at another one." "Are there others besides Jedlick?" "That bartender boards there at the ho-tel. He's got four gold teeth, and he picks 'em with a quill. Sounds like somebody slappin' the crick with a fishin'-pole.

I I'm going to ring for the maid and ask to see her." "Good nerve!" says I, slappin' him on the shoulder. "In that case I'll just slip into the back room there and shut the door." "Oh, I say!" says he, glancin' around panicky. "I I wish you'd stay. I I don't fancy facing her alone. Please stay!" "It ain't reg'lar," says I.

"It's all along of Hoover goin' away like he did, and leavin' us without a sheriff, or nobody that is anybody makin' a bluff at law and order," cried Sage-brush. "It's sot this section back twenty years," observed Parenthesis. "That's what it has," agreed the foreman. "Fresno reports that he found that Peruna slappin' the Lazy K brand on one of our calves.

"Humph! didn't seem to me you acted much like friends this afternoon. Slappin' each other back and forth " "Slappin' each other! Have you lost your brains altogether? What DO you mean?" "I don't mean slappin' each other side of the head. 'Tain't likely I meant that. But the way you talked to each other and the way you looked. And when 'twa'n't her it was me.

"Do do you suppose I could do that, too?" he asks. "Why not?" says I. "You don't stand to lose anything, do you, even if they do chatter? If I was you I'd act natural and tell 'em to go hang." "You would?" says he, still starin'. "To the limit," says I. "What's the fun of livin' if you can't?" "Say, young man," says Garvey, slappin' his knee. "That listens sensible to me. Blamed if I don't.

"Wouldn't 'ave 'inted ef they hadn't kept slappin' at me," was Bob's defense, which did not go far toward soothing the mortified Clara. Not all of this party were pert talkers. Two were modest: Valentine Duke and Mat Snead. These sat together, forming what the others called the Quaker settlement, from the silence which prevailed in it.

Robert. "But this is to be nothing formal, you know: only Marjorie is bringing him down to the house, and has asked in a few people." "By George!" says Nutt, slappin' his knee enthusiastic. "Couldn't you get me in on that affair, Bob?" "Why er I might," says Mr. Robert. "I didn't know, though, that you were passionately fond of violin music. It's to be rather a classical programme, and "