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There is no epithet too strong to express their indignation against the devoted Colonel, who was described by one imaginative peasant, who had worked himself up to a sort of descriptive convulsion, as a "Rawhacious Vagabone," a fine instance of extemporaneous word-coining of the ideo-phonetic school, which will doubtless be greedily accepted by Nationalist Parliamentarians who, long ago, exhausted their vocabulary of expletives in dealing with Mr.

There'd be a row and a bit o' shooting, I dessay, for it's amazing, that it is, amazing, the way the old vagabone has took to our lad. But I don't like his going off with 'em, and with nothing better than a bit of a toothpick of a knife. Wouldn't be long before he got hold of a club, though, I know."

"Musha, good-night, Frank alanna," replied the other; "an' the divil sweep you, for a skamin' vagabone, that's a curse to the country, and has kep me out o' more weddins than any one I ever met wid, by your roguery in puttin' evil between frinds an' neighbors, jist whin they'd be ready for the priest to say the words over them! Good won't come of you, you profligate."

"One Brine Oge M'Gaveran, a good-lookin' vagabone, no doubt, but not worth a copper." "Is she fond of him?" "Troth, to tell you the truth, I'm afeard she is; he has been often seen about the house in the evenin's." "Well, Mrs. Houlaghan, I will tell you how to lay this ghost."

Smith grew red and bit his lips; but Lance walked close to him, and as they began to be jostled, took his arm, holding the blue sunshade over both their heads. Unsavoury missiles began to fly; but a woman screeched, 'Bad luck to ye, ye vagabone! ye've ruinated the young gentleman's purty blue umberella! 'Down with it, young chap, called another, 'or ye'll be served with the same sauce!

"And who was -it, sur, wid submission, that murdhered you?" To this I made no reply. "I say," continued Ned, "in the name of G-o-o-d-ness who was it that took the liberty of murdhering you, dacent man?" "Ned Corrigan," I answered, giving his own name. "Hem! God presarve us! Ned Corrigan!" he exclaimed. "What Ned, for there's two of them is it myself or the other vagabone?"

'I can't afford it, says the waiver, runnin' the horse at the ditch. 'Bad luck to your impidence, says the miller; 'you've as much tin about you as a thravellin' tinker, but you've more brass. Come back here, you vagabone, says he. Well, he was four days goin' to Dublin, for the baste was not the best and the roads worse, not all as one as now; but there was no turnpikes then, glory be to God!

"Blast you, you thick-headed vagabone! don't you know it's wrong to call me Mark Ratigan isn't Phil Hart my name now? no, I tell you, that I can't join you in a Leadhan wurrah nor I didn't think you wor such a d d cowardly hound as you are can't you die if you're goin' to die like a man, an' not like an ould woman? Be my sowl, Darby, my boy, afther this night I'll never trust you again.

"Well, he's fizzin' now, the hard-hearted ould scoundrel, for keepin' it from you; he forgot who you wor married to, the extortin' ould vagabone to one of the great Fermanagh Maguires, an' he' not fit to wipe their shoes. The curse o' heaven upon you an' him, wherever he is!

Throth it was an unlucky day I had anything to do wid you, you divartin' vagabone ha! ha! ha!