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Phwat is yer name?" His voice quavered, and the little eyes glittered between the red-rimmed lids, bright as an eagle's. The younger man was astonished at his excitement. "Why, Bill," he replied. "Bill or Moike or Pat wurrah! Oi mane yer rale name th' whole av ut?" "That I have not told. I am called Bill." "Lord av hiven! I thocht ut th' fir-rst toime Oi seen ye but now! Man! B'y.

"Wurrah dheelish, Frank," screamed the sisters, "are you goin' to murdher Rody?" "Murdher," he shouted, in a paroxysm of fury, "Why the curse o' God upon you all, what puts murdher into your heads? Is it my own family that's the first to charge me wid it?" "Why, there's no one chargin' you wid it," replied Rody; "not one, whatever makes you take it to yourself."

"Ah! when I had him!" exclaimed the distracted widow, "I never had occasion to trouble aither friend or neighbor; but he s gone an' now it's otherwise wid me glory be to God for all his mercies a wurrah dheelish!

You came here to make pace between two dacent men's childher, an' you're as bad, if not worse, yourselves! Oh, wurrah dheelish, what's this! I'm in downright agony! Oh, murdher sheery! Has none o' yez a hand to thry if there's e'er a dhrop of relief in that bottle? or am I to die all out, in the face o' the world, for want of a sup o' somethin' to warm me?" "Darby, thry the horn," said M'Kenna.

"Wurrah dheelish! No? now is it possible ye didn't?" She then described her, but all declared they had seen no such person. "Bartley, whisper," said she, and beckoning him over to her, in a few words she revealed the secret. The husband grew pale, and crossed himself. "Mother of Saints! childhre," said he, "a Lianhan Shee!"

'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come' oh, Lord! forbid that yet a while! could you join in a Leadhan wurrah?"

Wurrah, wurrah, why did Oi ivver come to say? Och, Tom mabouchal, kill me at onst, and be done with it!" I could not help laughing at him, he presented such a contrast to the buoyant lad of my ordinary acquaintance; though, of course, I tried to sympathise with my woe-begone chum.

Musha, throw your little things aside, an' stay where ye are today: you can't bring out the childre under the teem of rain an' sleet that's in it. Wurrah dheelish, but it's the bitther day all out!

"Manim a Yea agus a wurrah!"* exclaimed one of them, "if the black man hasn't brought it up from the bridge!

May the Lord of heaven keep our child's mind right! for, oh, Bridget, wouldn't death itself be far afore that?" "I'm going up to her," replied his wife; "and may God guard her, and spare her safe and sound to us; for what what kind of a house would it be if she but I can't think of it. Oh, wurrah, wurrah, this night!"