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'And you shall have, said he, 'of the barony which I took from you all that you can ride round on the first day of your return. So De Courcy betook himself to Ireland and to his barony, but he was anything but a lucky man, this De Courcy, for his friends and relations and tenantry, hearing of his coming, prepared a grand festival for him, with all kinds of illigant viands and powerful liquors, and when he arrived there it was waiting for him, and down to it he sat, and ate, and drank, and for joy of seeing himself once more amongst his friends and tenantry in the hall of his forefathers, and for love of the drop, which he always had, he drank of the powerful liquors more than he ought, and the upshot was that he became drunk, agus do bhi an duine maith sin misgeadh do ceather o glog; the good gentleman was drunk till four o'clock, and when he awoke he found that he had but two hours of day remaining to win back his brave barony.

Piobracht au Donuil-dhu, Piobrachet au Donuil, Piobrachet agus S'breittach Feacht an Innerlochy. The war-tune of Donald the Black, The war-tune of Black Donald, The pipes and the banner Are up in the rendezvous of Inverlochy.

"Manim a Yea agus a wurrah!"* exclaimed one of them, "if the black man hasn't brought it up from the bridge!

"Here, Barny, thry your hand at this," said the good woman, who had not heard his ludicrous description of her fictitious son-in-law "eeh arran agus bee laudher, Barny, ate bread and be strong. I'll warrant when you begin to play, they'll give you little time to do anything but scrape away; taste the dhrink first, anyway, in the name o' God," and she filled him a glass.

"Thin you may learn from what has happened, avick agus asthofe, never, oh never, to despair of God's mercy no matter into what thrial or difficulty you maybe brought. You see, whin you naither hoped for it here, nor expected it, how it came for all that." "It did, blessed be God!"

"Ay, and aren't we every bit as good as they are, if you go to that? haven't we sowls to be saved as well as themselves?" "'As good as they are! as good as the clargy!! Manum a yea agus a wurrah!* listen to what he says! Phaddhy, take care of yourself, you've got rich, now; but for all that, take care of yourself. You had betther not bring the priest's ill-will, or his bad heart upon us.

O, let me, thin let me but kiss him once before he dies; it was I, it was myself that murdhered him all might 'a been well; ay, it was I that murdhered you, Connor, my brave hoy, an' have I you in my arms? O, aviek agus asthore machree, it was I that murdhered you, by my but they're takin' him they're bearin' him away to "

Brian's face blanched and his hands trembled, for he saw that her wandering mind took him for his grandsire. "Dhia agus mhuire orth," he murmured, and with a little sob the Black Woman died. Silence fell upon the dingle, as Brian gazed down at the woman his grandfather had loved, and whose love had been no less. Then Turlough pushed his horse closer, looking down with a shrewd leer.

The children crowded about them in loud wailings, and the grief of this virtuous and afflicted family was of that profound description, which is ever the companion, in such scenes, of pure and genuine love. "Owen!" she exclaimed; "Owen, a-suilish mahuil agus machree!

Brian, ludher them two lazy thieves o' dogs out o' that. Eiree suas, a wadhee bradagh, agus go mah a shin! be off wid yez, ye lazy divils, that's not worth your feedin'! Come over, honest man." Owen and his family were placed near the fire; the poor man's heart was full, and he sighed heavily. "May He that is plased to thry us," he exclaimed, "reward you for this!