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"Arrah, though, me bhoy, ye look as if ye'd been toorned insoide out, loike them injy-rubber divils childer has to play wid. 'Dade an' I'd loike to say ye sprooce an' hearty ag'in; but ownly kape aisy an' ye'll be all roight in toime. D'ye fale hoongry yit?" "Hungry!" I screamed, ill again at the very thought of eating. "Go away, do, and leave me alone o-oh!"

An ugly look came into Sol's face, as he rose to his feet, while his hand instinctively sought his hip pocket, and rested upon the butt of a revolver concealed there. "We're watched," he whispered. "Them divils are wild to-night.

"Come an' sit on my chest the whole room av you, an' I will take you to my bosom for the biggest divils that iver cheated halter." I wud have no mercy on Vulmea. His oi or his life little I cared! 'At dusk they came back, the twelve av thim, an' they had all been dhrinkin'. I was shammin' sleep on the cot. Wan man wint outside in the veranda.

The terror that had hovered over us all that long summer was lifted at last. You may be sure that Cowan carried me back to the station. "To think it was Davy that found it!" he cried again and again, "to think it was Davy found it!" "And wasn't it me that said he could smell the divils," said Terence, as he circled around us in a mimic war dance.

When a baker is told he must not do a certain thing he obeys at once, and, with a certain quickness and suppleness of intellect, casts about to see how he can best represent himself as a martyr. "Pay rint, Sorr," said a well-to-do shopkeeper to me two days ago; "and how are thim poor divils to pay rint that cannot pay me? And how am I to pay any one when I can't get a shillin' ov a soul?"

That is an epigram. I made ut. "Thin a lot av whishperin' divils surrounded the palanquin. 'Take ut up, sez wan man. 'But who'll pay us? sez another. 'The Maharanee's minister, av coorse, sez the man. 'Oho! sez I to mysilf, 'I'm a quane in me own right, wid a minister to pay me expenses.

Ov coorse I ricollect Martinsburg, and the markit-house where I guarded the fifty nagurs that Gineral Patterson had ordered to be arrested for having stripes on their pantaloons, Uncle Sam's buttons on their caps, and belts with these big brass U. S. plates on. Oh, but it was a swate crowd. The poor divils were crowded like cattle on cars, and it was one of the hot smothering nights.

"Now boys, if ye want to kape out of trouble," said Terrence, "do'nt ye get into any fights with thim divils, or ye'll be brought up to the quarter-deck and flogged." His advice was appreciated, and both Fernando and Sukey did their best to avoid trouble with any of their quarrelsome neighbors.

Now a palanquin means a native lady all the world over, except whin a soldier av the Quane happens to be takin' a ride. "Women an' priests!" sez I. "Your father's son is in the right pew this time, Terence. There will be proceedin's." Six black divils in pink muslin tuk up the palanquin, an' oh! but the rowlin' an' the rockin' made me sick.

Now kneel down before me, and I will make the sign of the cross over your forehead, and then you will feel the last and strongest of the divils, which have so long possessed ye, go out of ye through your eyes, as I expect you will say to the people assembled in the chapel to-morrow. So I put myself on my knees before his reverence, who after muttering something to himself, either in Latin or Shanna Gailey I believe it was Latin, said, 'Look me in the face, daughter! Well, I looked his reverence in the face, and there I saw his nose looking so large, red, and inviting that I could not resist the temptation, and before his reverence could make the sign of the cross, which doubtless would have driven the divil out of me, I made a spring at it, and seizing hold of it with forefinger and thumb, pulled hard at it.