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We've acted in accardence wid r'y'l usage, an' now make a farrumal offer av our alliance to the parents an' gyarjians av the lovely being. What do ye say, me lord? Will ye give yer consint to our proposal, an' allow yer ward to become the Quane av Spain?" At this Russell was quite overwhelmed.

"I'll find ye another room where ye'll be as comfortable as the Quane av England. Ye'll have as good a bed as the best." This sudden offer startled Russell and excited dreadful apprehensions. What would become of his bonds? He hastened now to modify his last words. "Oh, well," said he, "for that matter, you needn't trouble yourself. I dare say I shall do very well where I am."

"Right, Joe, right, so, if you have no objection, we will leave it to them," said Dominick, "and now as to the ceremonial?" "A pursession," suggested Joe Binney. "Just so," said Hugh Morris, "the very thing as was in my mind." "And a throne," cried Malone, "there couldn't be a proper quane widout a throne, you know.

I'll take me wife wid me, an' we'll live in Paris, an' I'll get her the most illigant dhresses, an' coort coschumes, an' bonnets, an' boots, an' laces, an' gims, an' jools, that iver any woman wore. The Quane av Spain 'll be the Quane av France too; an' what's more, she'll be the quane of beauty an' fashion, an' the ex-Empress Eugenie'll be nowhere. She'll be forgotten."

That is an epigram. I made ut. "Thin a lot av whishperin' divils surrounded the palanquin. 'Take ut up, sez wan man. 'But who'll pay us? sez another. 'The Maharanee's minister, av coorse, sez the man. 'Oho! sez I to mysilf, 'I'm a quane in me own right, wid a minister to pay me expenses.

See how she sits on that bit of a sate that I puts there for her wid my own hands, as a laddy should, looking jist what she is, the quane of the woods, and the delight of our eyes!"

That is an epigram. I made ut. 'Thin a lot av whishperin' divils surrounded the palanquin. "Take ut up," sez wan man. "But who'll pay us?" sez another. "The Maharanee's minister, av coorse," sez the man. "Oho!" sez I to mysilf, "I'm a quane in me own right, wid a minister to pay me expenses. I'll be an emperor if I lie still long enough; but this is no village I've found."

The ould chap, though, is alive an' hearty, an' as asthamataky as ivver!" "What's become of Mr Fosset?" "Och, be jabbers! he's a big man now. He's a skipper on his own hook, jist loike Cap'en Applegarth. He's got the ould Fairi Quane, the sicond best boat but one to the line. D'ye ricollict that ould thaife of a bo'sun we had on the Star of the North?" "Why, you must mean poor old Masters!

I can till you, though, where I belaives him to be this blissid minnit; an' that is, by the `Crab an' Lobster' at Gravesend, lookin' out for to say if he can say the Silver Quane a-sailin' down the sthrame." "And will he come on board there?" I asked. "Arrah, will a dook swim?" replied the boatswain in Irish fashion. "Av coorse he will, in a brace av shakes.

Hugh gave in at once seized the hand, and not only shook it, but kissed it heartily. So did Malines, and so did the others, and then they all dispersed Teddy Malone signalling his exit with a cheer and a shout to the following effect "Hooroo! boys she's ivvery inch a quane, an' two or three eighths over cut an' dry, ready-made, hot off the irons! We're in luck eh! boys, aren't we?"