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"Hooroo! capting," shouted Larry, jumping up with delight; "mind yer fut, capting, dear; don't come in." "Why not?" inquired the captain, as he lifted the curtain. "Sure, it's no use tellin' ye now!" said Larry, as Captain Bunting fell head-foremost into Ah-wow's arms, and drove that worthy creature as he himself would have said "stern-foremost" into the mud and water at the bottom.

The boy steering was our old acquaintance Pilbury, and as his boat approached he shouted out cheerily, "Hullo, there, Parson! mind your eye! We'll race you in give you ten yards and bump you in twenty! Pull away, you fellows! One, two, three, gun! Off you go! Oh, well rowed, my boat! Now you've got him! Wire in, now! Smash him up! scrunch him into the bank! Hooroo! two to one on us!

"Hallo! there," shouted Joe, in a voice that would have been creditable to a boatswain, "come on deck if ye don't want to be drownded." "Hooroo!" added Malone, "we're goin' to the bottom! Look alive wid ye." "Ay, an' bring up the childers," yelled Mrs Lynch. "Don't lave wan o' thim below." Of course, the poor emigrants were not slow to obey these startling orders.

The Captain darted a triumphant glance in the direction of the tutor. But the tutor was investigating the contents of a game pie in the endeavour to discover a piece of egg for Miss Jill. After a pause that young lady took up her discourse. "If father and Roger go to town, Tom, we shall have dear Mr Armstrong all to ourselves." "Hooroo!" said Tom; "that is, if it's holidays."

Will Osten had just uttered an exclamation of surprise, and the others had not had time to reply to the question, "Hallo! what's become of Larry?" when that worthy's voice was heard shouting in the distance, and his horse's hoofs were heard clattering along the narrow track as he approached at full gallop. "Hooroo! howld on, doctor; hi' Bunco an' Ben, look here.

And what is more, when I once get back, I don't think they will ever see me in India again. I have sufficient means to live as a wealthy man in England, and I've seen enough fighting to last a lifetime." "Hooroo!" shouted Tim. "That's the best word I've heard for a long time. And I shall settle down as yer honor's butler, and look after the grand house, and see that you're comfortable."

"Great Juniper!" squawked Ephraim Gallup, flourishing his arms with a wild gesture of delight. "It's Buck it's old Buck, by gum!" "Hooroo, Badger, me bhoy!" laughed Barney. "Wherever did yez come from so suddint, Oi dunno?" "In truth, it is my old college mate from Kansas!" breathed Carker.

Lay on to it, you fellows; he can't go straight! Six more strokes and you're into him! One, two, three ha, ha! he's funking it! four, five now a good one for the last six! Hooroo! bump to us! Welch's for ever!"

Don't ye see 'im? Blissins on his good-lookin' face! Hooroo! Terence Terence Flynn, don't ye recognise yer owld mother? Sure an' he does, though we haven't met for tin year. My! hasn't he got the hair on his lips too an' his cheeks are like shoe-leather my darlint!"

As the process proceeded, and the precious metal began to appear, Larry's feelings found vent in abrupt remarks. "Och! av me tshoo eyes musha! there it is goold intirely av it isn't brass. Ah ye purty little stars! O Larry, it's yerself as'll buy yer owld mother a pig, an' a coach to boot. Hooroo! Mr Scotchman, I misremimber yer name, wot's that?"