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No, Richards, mark my words, Maryhann will never marry." "`It may be so, Jemimar, says I, Did you speak, sir?" said the coachman, turning sharp round on hearing Will utter an exclamation of surprise. "Is your wife's name Jemima?" "Yes, it is; d'you 'appen to know her, too?" "Well, I think I do, if she is the same person who used to attend upon Mrs Osten a tall and thin and and somewhat "

In pursuance of this plan, Will Osten and his two staunch followers, soon after the date of the above conversation, crossed the Atlantic, traversed the great Lakes of Canada to the centre of North America, purchased, at the town of Saint Pauls, horses, guns, provisions, powder, shot, etcetera, for a long journey, and found themselves, one beautiful summer evening, galloping gaily over those wide prairies that roll beyond the last of the backwood settlements, away into the wild recesses of the Western Wilderness.

Here Will Osten resolved to leave Bunco to proceed alone with the canoe, while he and Larry crossed the country in search of game. Their friend Gordon had given them an elaborate chart of the route up to the mountains, so that they knew there was a narrow neck of jungle, over which they might pass, and meet the canoe after it had traversed the bend in the river.

"Eight, Larry," said Will Osten with a laugh; "upon my word I think it would be worth while to live always on the plan of missing our meals each alternate day, in order to enjoy them more thoroughly on the other days." "If city men would go on that plan," observed the trapper, gravely tearing the flesh from a rib with his teeth, and speaking at the same time, "there would be no use for doctors."

It happens sometimes, though we believe not frequently, that those who begin life with what may be called a wild burst settle down at last into quiet domestic men, whose chief delight it is to "fight their battles o'er again" with sympathetic comrades, and to "wander in dreams." Such was the case with Will Osten.

As weeks passed by and no sail appeared, their hearts began to fail them, for the small stock of provisions was rapidly diminishing. One morning Captain Dall ascended to the highest point on the island, where he was wont to spend the greater part of each day on the lookout. He found Will Osten there before him.

The captain said it was madness, Mr Cupples shook his head and groaned, Muggins thought that they should all go together and take their chance, and Larry protested that he would sooner be eaten alive than allow his comrade to go without him; but in time Will Osten convinced them all that his plan was best.

"My friends," said Will Osten, when the two were seated on the corners of their respective chairs in the drawing-room, "I sent for you to say that circumstances have occurred which render it necessary that I should visit California. Do you feel inclined to join me in this trip, or do you prefer to remain in England?" "I'm yer man," said Larry. "So's me," added Bunco.

A general assent being given to this, Will Osten decided that they should remain where they were for a week or a fortnight longer, in the hope of a vessel arriving, and that, in the meantime, as suggested by Bunco, they should amuse themselves by going on a hunting expedition.

It chanced that Larry O'Hale, having already turned two, also set his affections on this turtle, and made a rush at it; seeing which Muggins slyly ran behind him, tripped up his heels, and passed on. "Have a care," cried Will Osten, laughing, "he'll bite!" "Bad luck to yez!" shouted Larry, leaping up, and following hard on Muggins' heels.