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But it's threatenin' dhrowndin' and disthruction over it th' ould banshee is this great while; and plased she 'll be, rale plased and sot up. Sure, that's what goes agin' me, to be so far gratifyin' her, and herself as mischevious, harm-hopin' an ould toad as iver I hated the sight of Och, bejabers, didn't I tell you so? It's herself comin' gabble-gobblin' up."

"You see, Master Colly," said Bill, turning to the young Scotchman, "my brother Jim has had the advantage of being twelve years younger than I; and when he was old enough to go to school, I was doing something to help kape him there, and for all that I believe he is plased to see me." "Pleased to see you!" exclaimed Jim. "Of course I am." "I'm sure av it," said Bill.

Muldoon's that, glad as she was to oblige him by her noonday round, there was a request she greatly hoped he would never make of her. If he should wish her for any reason to come in after dark she would just tell him, if he "plased," that he must ask it of somebody else.

His noze thay had painted red and his trowsis legs thay had shuved inside his butes. My wax figger of Napoleon Boneypart was likewise mawltreatid. His sword wus danglin tween his legs, and his cockd hat was drawn klean down over his ize, and he was plased in a stoopin posishun lookin zactly as tho he was as drunk as a biled owl.

And Martin'll be here soon I wondher what good Dublin'll do him? They might have the Repale without him, I suppose? And when he's here, why, av' he's minded to marry her, and she's plased, why, Father Geoghegan may come down, and do it before the whole counthry, and who's ashamed? But there'll be no huggery-muggery, and schaming; that is, av' they're said by me.

Larry," she is sometimes heard to say, "I doubt that we wor wrong for flyin' in the face o' God, becase He didn't give us childhre. An' when it plased Him to grant us a son, we oughtn't to 've spoiled him by over-indulgence, an' by lettin' him have his own head in everythin' as we did.

An' the neighbours wor all mighty well plased, to be sure, for gettin' all the divarsion of a wake, an' two weddin's for nothin. Being a Tenth Extract from the Legacy of the late Francis Purcell, P.P. of Drumcoolagh.

Her mother's as plased over it as anythin', and sot up too, aye is she bedad." The old woman was for the time being almost as much disappointed as relieved by the equanimity with which Ody had received her tidings; yet if she had but known, they had not failed to produce a strong sensation. Only she never thought of considering how they might affect that quare big gawk Hugh McInerney.

So, I'll tell you all if the worst comes to the worst all that is, is, that we must quit, and give up this little snug place, and house, and farm, and all, to the agent which would be hard on us, and me a widow, when my husband did all that is done to the land; and if your honour was a judge, you could see, if you stepped out, there has been a deal done, and built the house, and all but it plased Heaven to take him.

So, I'll tell you all if the worst comes to the worst all that is, is, that we must quit, and give up this little snug place, and house, and farm, and all, to the agent which would be hard on us, and me a widow, when my husband did all that is done to the land; and if your honour was a judge, you could see, if you stepped out, there has been a deal done, and built the house, and all but it plased Heaven to take him.