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Well, bejabers, the full moon come up at last an' she made the sign of the shaddy crass, an' the ould Cat goes out an' watches an' watches loike he wanted to an' didn't dar to, till that crass drapped fayer onto the hairbs, an' Tom he jumped then an' ate an' ate, an' from that day he was a well Cat; an' that's how Oi larned Catnip, an' it set me moind aisy, too, fur no Cat that's possesst 'll iver ate inunder the shaddy av the crass."

Howane'er, I knew it's distressed you were entirely for the want of such a thing, and bejabers, you've got it now." "Troth have I," said Judy, delightedly groping her way about her new garment. "Rael dacint it was of you to be bringin' it to me, for perished and lost I did be, and that's no lie. Och but it's the grand one. Look at the hood there is to it.

But it's threatenin' dhrowndin' and disthruction over it th' ould banshee is this great while; and plased she 'll be, rale plased and sot up. Sure, that's what goes agin' me, to be so far gratifyin' her, and herself as mischevious, harm-hopin' an ould toad as iver I hated the sight of Och, bejabers, didn't I tell you so? It's herself comin' gabble-gobblin' up."

Hartigan gazed through the window at the round top of Cedar Mountain, then at the frank face of the slim girl, and with a little outburst of his real nature he cried: "Bejabers, it was the kind way you all received me." "All right, then; why not make that your subject for the next sermon?

The men shook hands, and Michael, rapidly recovering his spirits, rumbled out of his deep chest: "Bejabers, it's the first time in five years I've been knocked out and it was done scientific.

Ninian and Gilbert and Roger had spent a holiday at Ballymartin.... Ninian took a whole week to realise that he was in Ulster and not in Scotland, and Gilbert begged hard for the production of a typical Irishman who would say "God bless your honour!" and "Bedad!" and "Bejabers!" and pretended not to believe that there were not any "typical Irishmen" ... and went away, vowing that they would compel Mr.

"I can whip the hide off'n the scut that says I didn't. Ask Lootn't Field, bejabers! He saw it. Ask Oh, Mother of God! what's this I'm sayin'?" And there, with stern, rebuking gaze, stood the man they knew and feared, every soul of them, as they did no commissioned soldier in the th, Sergeant Schreiber, the redoubtable, and Schreiber had heard the insane and damaging boast.

It was that ould black Cat, an' may the saints stand bechuxt me an' his grane eyes! Bejabers, sometimes he scares me wid his knowin' ways, but I hev nothin' agin him except that he kills the wee burruds. He koind o' measled all wan winter an' lay around the stove.

"Well, do you remember licking a young fellow there for jerking the roof log out of the hotel with your masting team of oxen?" "Bejabers, I do that"; and Mike's eyes twinkled for the first time with a pleasant look. "Well, Mike, I am that fellow; an' that's what ye gave me." Jim raised his chin and showed an irregular scar. "Well sure, that's the Gospel truth"; and Michael grinned.

Tell your papa that Ninian and Roger and I solemnly cursed him three times for preventing you from coming to Cambridge, and then gave him three cheers for asking us to Ireland. The top of the morning to you, my broth of a boy, and the heavens be your bed, bedad and bejabers, as you say in your country, according to Punch. Yours ever, Gilbert. P.S. What about that two bob you owe me?