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I have heard him refuse a dozen good plants the last month. Besides, I don't want a canting son of a gun for my pal ten to one if he don't turn tail and perhaps split." N. B. All this not in English, but in thieve's cant, with an oath or a nasty expression at every third word. The sentences measled with them. "You don't know how to take him," replied he of the Mephistopheles eye-brow.

He told them in prose and verse prose which was measled with 'Oh's, and 'Alas's, and full of great windblown phrases of bombast, like inflated bladders, each with one little parched pea of meaning to rattle inside it The verse was mainly such as might have been written by a moderately illiterate absurd old man who had found life a vanity, and had deserved his discovery.

Next comes a short letter, full of sanguinary threats, and written in, what we beg leave to christen, the Dash dialect, because, though used by at least three million people in England, and three thousand in Hillsborough, it can only be printed with blanks, the reason being simply this, that every sentence is measled with oaths and indecencies.

It was that ould black Cat, an' may the saints stand bechuxt me an' his grane eyes! Bejabers, sometimes he scares me wid his knowin' ways, but I hev nothin' agin him except that he kills the wee burruds. He koind o' measled all wan winter an' lay around the stove.

The two decades forming the interim between those years constitute my Dark Age, in which I teethed and measled and whooping-coughed, and went to school, and wore my hair in two long pig-tails, and loved molasses candy, and regarded a school-room as purgatory, a ball-room as heaven when I sang and danced and grew as the birds and grasshoppers and flowers sing and dance and grow, because they having nothing else to do.

"By God, Gourlay," he screamed, "I'll make you pay for this; I'll fight you through a' the law courts in Breetain, but you'll implement your bond." "Damn you for a measled swine! would you grunt at me?" cried Gourlay, and made to go at him through the window. Though he could not reach him, Gibson quailed at his look.

They weighed an' measured 'em to see which was a Best Baby, an' Elly Precious was! You better be proud that you that you measled a Best Baby!" Miss Theodosia's glance met the Man Person's. The show was turning out well. "I've got to go back, or Stefana oh, mercy gracious me, it was worth folks bein' mad! There was a nurse there an' a lovely lady an' a doctor.