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"'Huzza! huzza! huzza! from the O'Hallaghans. 'Bravo, boys! there's one of them done for: whoo! my darlings! hurroo! the O'Hallaghans for ever! "The scene now changes to the O'Callaghan side. "'Jack oh, Jack, avourneen hell to their sowls for murdherers Paddy's killed his skull's smashed! Revinge, boys, Paddy O'Callaghan's killed!

Can nothing be done to help them?" the priest asked. "Nothing, your reverence. Praying for them is the only thing that can help the poor sowls now." "You are sure it's not possible to launch a boat, Considine?" "Look for yourself, yer honour. There's not a boat on the coast that could get through them breakers." "There she goes."

M'Gurk, jubilantly, "it's Ody Rafferty himself. To your sowls! Now you've a great good chance, ma'am, to be gettin' it back. He's the boy 'ill leg it over all before him" for in those days Ody was lithe and limber "and it's hard-set the thievin' Turk 'ill be to get the better of him at a racin' match Hi Och."

That bhoy, so I was tould by letter from Bombay, bullydamned 'em down to the dock, till they cudn't call their sowls their own. From the time they left me oi till they was 'tween decks, not wan av thim was more than dacintly dhrunk.

I only knew the friendship in his pretty eyes an' the sweetness that knit our two sowls togither, like David's an' Jonathan's. Pretty it was to walk togither, an' discourse, an' get the strap togither for heaven knows what mischief, an' consowl each other for our broken skins. He'd a wonderful gift at his books, for which I reverenced um, and at the single-stick, for which I loved um.

It was lovely. All those hundreds of nice-looking people in gay colours, with the rustle of silk and the hum of voices it was beautiful it reminded her of the sea in summer. He asked her what she thought of the sermon, and she said, "Well, it wasn't religion exactly not what I call religion not a 'reg'lar rousing rampage for sowls, as old Chalse used to say, but "

Us'll find 'em, if us has to break our fine new bowsprit so close as Crump's bull's horn!" "Good egg!" quoth Moorshed, and brought his hand down on the wide shoulders with the smack of a beaver's tail. "Us'll go look for they by hand. Us'll give they something to play upon; an' do 'ee deal with them faithfully, an' may the Lard have mercy on your sowls! Amen. Put I in dinghy again."

At a' events, ye'll be helpin' some ill-faured sowls to a clean face and a bonny. But gin ye dinna fa' in wi' yer father within ten year, ye maun behaud a wee, an' jist pack up yer box, an' gang awa' ower the sea to Calcutta, an' du what I hae tellt ye to do i' that wull. I bind ye by nae promise, Robert, an' I winna hae nane. Things micht happen to put ye in a terrible difficulty wi' a promise.

'I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb?" sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. "Come out av that an' attind to your duty," I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.

"I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "'Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb? sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. 'Come out av that an' attind to your duty. I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.