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"Shure I'm telling you, ma'am; howsomever, whether its thrue or no about Mr Martin, we were all hearing it yestherday; and the masther, he war afther hearing it too, for he come into his dinner as black as tunder; and Terry says he dhrunk the whole of a bottle of wine, and then he called for the sperrits, and swilled away at them till he was nigh dhrunk.

Shelton listened with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay, till the old actor, having finished, resumed his crouching posture at the table. "You don't get dhrunk, I suppose?" he said suddenly "too much of 'n Englishman, no doubt." "Very seldom," said Shelton. "Pity! Think of the pleasures of oblivion! Oi 'm dhrunk every night." "How long will you last at that rate?"

He tried again, with the same result. Cast after cast proved futile. After the last failure he turned and glowered morosely upon Redmond. "'Tis either dhrunk or dhramin' ye must be, bhoy! There's nothin' there. I've a good mind," he added slowly "a d d good mind tu shove ye undher arrest for makin' a friv'lus report tu yeh superior!" Yorke now came to his comrade's rescue.

"Couldn't you have tould him what we agreed upon goin' up," observed Ellish; "but instead o' that, to begin an' tell the gintlemen so many lies about your bein' dhrunk, an' this bein' your birth-day, an' the day we wor marrid, an', Musha, sich quare stories to come into your head?" "Why," said Peter, "what harm's in all that, whin he didn't find me out?"

"Shan More, 'faith no less." "Ho, ho! a dangerous customer to play tricks on, Andy." "Sure enough, 'faith, and that's partly the rayson of what happened; but, by good luck, Big Jack was blind dhrunk when I got there, and I shammed screechin' so well that his sisther took pity on me, and said she'd keep me safe from harm in her own bed that night."

Half-laughing, half-shocked, and for the moment forgetting his own views and dreams concerning her, Ringfield acceded to the unusual request. "And remember, m'sieu tell her I go no more on the dhrunk after I marry with her no, sir, go no more 'tall.

"I riverince the man, for there's few can beat him sober. Knocked Patsy into hospital an' him foightin' dhrunk! Faith, he must be another Oirish gintleman himself, indade." "He's a Scotchman and was middle-weight champion of India last year," rejoined Dam, and moistened his block of pipe-clay again in the most obvious, if least genteel, way.

Can't ye fancy ould Barber Brady wid a bullet in his lungs, coughin' like a sick monkey, an' sayin', 'Bhoys, I do not mind your gettin' dhrunk, but you must hould your liquor like men. The man that shot me is dhrunk. I'll suspend investigations for six hours, while I get this bullet cut out, and then "

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. "But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

"Annyhow he's a mere Hussar and must be rimonsthrated wid for darin' to assault and batther a Dhraghoon an' him dhrunk, poor bhoy. Say the wurrud, Matty.