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Now, the lor is in France, that if a genlmn gives these in England, and a French genlmn gits them in any way, he can pursew the Englishman who has drawn them, even though he should be in France. Master did not know this fact laboring under a very common mistak, that, when onst out of England, he might wissle at all the debts he left behind him.

What's the matter now?" "Dawes, sir, 's been violent and assaulted Mr. Troke. Mr. Troke said you'd left orders to be told at onst of the insubordination of prisoners." "Quite right. Where is he?" "In the cells, I think, sir. They had a hard fight to get him there, I am told, your honour." "Had they? Give my compliments to Mr. Troke, and tell him that I shall have the pleasure of breaking Mr.

He stopped, onst or twice, as though he wor restin' hisself pullin' 'isself together and onst I 'eered 'im cough " Halsey looked round suddenly on his companion as though daring him to mock. Betts, however, could not help himself. He gave an interrupting and sceptical chuckle. "Ghostisses don't cough, as ever I 'eered on." "And why shouldn't they?" said Halsey testily.

He had no doubt that the Union officer and his freedman would return as soon as they could, and for the chance of wreaking his vengeance he was the more willing to remain in what he feared would be a spook-infested region. "Onst squar with them, en crops realized," he muttered, "I kin feel mo' comft'ble in other parts. To-morrer, ef Chunk en that scout's in these diggin's I'll know hit."

Never onst! Jeewhillikins! this makes me feel awful bad." He wiped his broad forehead with a large white silk pocket- handkerchief, horribly scented with patchouli. His distress was quite painful to witness. "Never mind," said Amanda softly. "I was only joking, Nal. It's all right." Looking at her now, what son of Adam could call her homely?

"I tell you what it is, boys," said Captain Corbet, after a long and thoughtful silence; "the best plan of acting in a biz of this kind is to pluck up sperrit an go on. Why, look at me. You mind the time when that boat, that thar i-dentical, individdle boat, drifted away onst afore, with youns in it. You remember all about that, course. Well, look at me. Did I mourn? Did I fret? Was I cast down?

'Och, by the hoky, says Jim, 'it's too long I'm makin' a fool iv mysilf, gostherin' wid you outside iv my own door, says he, 'for it's plain to be seen, says he, 'you don't know what your're sayin', an' no one ELSE knows what you mane, you unforthunate fool, says he; 'so, onst for all, open the door quietly, says he, 'or, by my sowkins, I'll not lave a splinther together, says he.

I was bathin', and I heerd 'em talkin'. They'll kill him, dad, if they gets him. Niban, that native that Jim gave a beatin' to onst, was showin' 'em the way here an' I runned and runned " A half-stifled shriek escaped her as she sprang to her feet. There was a sudden rush of booted feet and the clank of steel. Then a voice rang out "Keep your men close up to the back of the house, Adams."

He is rather shy over it; but when he sees us alone, he is sure to come to us, and say, 'Let me look at my child, nurse; and he do seem fit to eat him. Onst he says to me, 'This boy is my heir, nurse. What did he mean by that, ma'am?" "I don't know." "Is he any kin to you, ma'am?" "None whatever. You must have misunderstood him. You should not repeat all that people say."

And what victuals be I to buy wi' that, let alone beer? and a man can't do no work wi'out a quart a day, and that's fourpence, and there's my share, look 'ee, gone at onst. Wur be I to get any victuals, and wur be I to get any clothes an' boots, I should like for to know? And Jack he gets big and wants a main lot, and so did Polly, but her's gone to the work'us', wuss luck.