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Shrig, only that my time has been much occupied of late." "Veil, sir," said Mr. Shrig, puffing hard at his pipe, "from all accounts I should reckon as it 'ad. By Goles! but ve vas jest talking about you, sir, the werry i-dentical moment as you knocked at the door. I vas jest running over my little reader and telling the Corp the v'y and the v'erefore as you couldn't ha' done the deed."

"And the i-dentical size," he ejaculated, squinting at it as he went back to pick up the first parcel, "as like as two peas, they are." Upstairs Polly was at work with happy fingers, Alexia across the room, asking every third minute, "Polly, how does it go? O dear! I can't do anything unless you look and see if it's right."

"Good heavens!" I exclaimed. "That unfortunate creature?" "That werry same i-dentical, sir a wictim o' wiciousness as your late lamented uncle, Sir Jervas, God bless 'im amen! saved from des'prit courses " "My uncle Jervas " I exclaimed. "Saved from des'prit courses!" repeated Mr. Shrig. "Himself, sir.

Shrig, laying a finger on my arm. "I must speak with yonder scoundrel." "Scoundrel is the werry i-dentical vord, sir but bide a bit easy it is." As he spoke, the Captain turned out of the street into a field path shaded by a tall hedge; in due time we also came to this path and saw a shady lane ran parallel with it, down which a man was walking.

"I comes up from Tonbridge this 'ere very afternoon, an', 'avin' drunk a pint over at 'The Bull' yonder, an' axed questions as none o' they chawbacons could give a answer to, I 'ears the chink o' your 'ammer, an' comin' over 'ere, chance like, I finds you; I'll be gormed if it ain't a'most onnat'ral!" "And why?" "'Cos you was the very i-dentical chap as I come up from Tonbridge to find."

"Onnat'ral 's the word!" went on the Postilion, more as though speaking his thoughts aloud than addressing me, "it's a onnat'ral night to begin with seed a many bad uns in my time, but nothing to ekal this 'ere, that I lost my way aren't to be wondered at; then him, and her a-jumping out o' the chaise and a-running off into the thick o' the storm that's onnat'ral in the second place! and then, his face, and your face that's the most onnat'rallest part of it all likewise, I never see one man in two suits o' clothes afore, nor yet a-standing up, and a-laying down both at the same i-dentical minute onnat'ral's the word and I'm a-going."

"I tell you what it is, boys," said Captain Corbet, after a long and thoughtful silence; "the best plan of acting in a biz of this kind is to pluck up sperrit an go on. Why, look at me. You mind the time when that boat, that thar i-dentical, individdle boat, drifted away onst afore, with youns in it. You remember all about that, course. Well, look at me. Did I mourn? Did I fret? Was I cast down?

Scattergood stared owlishly at Mary Beatty. "Now, what d'you think of that, eh? Shouldn't be s'prised if that was the i-dentical paper that was weighin' on the mind of young Mr. Curtis. Shouldn't be a mite s'prised if 'twas." "What is it, Mr. Baines?" asked Mary Beatty. "A will?" "Wa-al, offhand I'd say it was consid'able better 'n a will.

"But what of all that, Chips? How can it help us?" "Help us! Why, 'tair the very i-dentical thing ez 'll help us; our coorse is laid out to a p'int o' the kompiss! All we'll hev to do is to run east'ard through the Beagle Channel, an' then 'long the open coast to good Success Bay, in the Straits o' Le Maire.

Scattergood peered after the young couple who had the moment before passed his hardware store, not walking jovially in the enjoyment of each other's presence as young married folks should walk, but sullenly and in silence. "They be the i-dentical ones," Will declared. "Naggin' and quarrelin' and bickerin' from sunup to milkin' time.