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"O, throth, I couldn't forget a gintleman so aisy as that," said Barny. "You're pretty considerably mistaken now, I guess," said the American. "Divil a taste," said Barny, with inimitable composure and pertinacity. "Well, if you know me so tarnation well, tell me what's my name." The Yankee flattered himself he had nailed Barny now.

"She's dead, Owen, and happy, I trust, in the Saviour. She died last spring was a two years." "God be good to her sowl! An' are the childhre in her place still? It's she that was the dacent woman." "Throth, they are; an' sorrow a betther doin' family in the parish than they are. It's they that'll be glad to see you, Owen.

Throth, I was a'most ashamed to put my fut on the deck, it was so clane, and she painted every color in the rainbow; and all sorts o' curiosities about her; and instead iv a tiller to steer her, like this darlin' craythur iv ours, she goes wid a wheel, like a coach all as one; and there's the quarest thing you iver seen, to show the way, as the captain gev me to understan', a little round rowly-powly thing in a bowl, that goes waddlin' about as if it didn't know its own way, much more nor show anybody theirs.

Take the first opportunity of being reconciled to Owen Connor. Be civil to him; for I assure you he esteems me very highly. Be also kind to his daughter, who is an excellent girl; but I repeat it, her father esteems me highly." "Does he think highly of you, Denis?" "I have said so," he replied. "Then, throth, we're sorry for what has happened, poor man.

"An' so you will, too, avillish. Throth, Owen, it's you that'll be the proud man, steppin' in to them in all your grandeur! Ha, ha, ha! The spirit o' the M'Carthys is in you still, Owen." "Ha, ha, ha! It is, darlin'; it is, indeed; an' I'd be sarry it wasn't. I long to see poor Widow Murray. I dunna is her son, Jemmy, married.

"Throth, an' Oona will take a glass, herself, this night," added her mother; "an' thanks be to Goodness she'll be our colleen dhas dhun again won't you have a glass, asthore machree?" "I'll do anything that any of you wishes me, mother," replied Una.

"'More power to your elbow, Paddy, my boy, says he, 'for sitch a good wish, and throth it's myself wishes the same. "'Och, says I, 'that it may plaze you, sweet queen iv heaven, supposing it was only a dissolute island, says I, 'inhabited wid Turks, sure they wouldn't be such bad Christians as to refuse us a bit and a sup.

They'll pay him, never fear, for his thrachery to the noble boy that chastised him for your sake, acushla oge! Throth, Peggy, my heart's black with sarrow about the darlin' young man. Still, life's in him; an' while there's life there's hope; glory be to God!"

"In throth, the same proverb's a lyin' one, and ever was; but it's not parsnips I'll butther wid 'em, you gommoch." "Sowl, you butthered me wid 'em long enough, you deludher devil a lie in it; but thin, as you say, sure enough, I was no parsnip not so soft as that either, you phanix." "No?

'Throth, they'll build me up entirely, said Andy to himself; 'an' sorra door to get out or in by, only four walls an' a hole in the middle of the floor. Of all the quare houses that iver I see, this shanty bates them hollow. Masther Robert, calling aloud, 'I wondher have I dug deep enough? 'Come out here, and get dinner, was the response. 'We'll see to-morrow.