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Updated: August 24, 2024

He said the quarest thing to me the other day when he was here fiddlin' over the makin' of this fireplace.

"Me! ha, ha, ha, well, sure enough, Syl, you're the quarest fellow alive; why, man, isn't it yourself you have to plaise, not me."

"Martin, lad," remarked Barney, as they followed the Negro slave who had been sent by Senhor Antonio, the planter, to conduct them to the lake, while he remained behind for an hour or two to examine the bales of the old trader; "this is the quarest country, I believe, that iver was made; what with bastes, and varmints, and riptiles, and traes, and bushes, and rivers, it bates all creation."

"And the quarest part of it was that Joe McEvoy's ould cow that he went after had legged herself up, somehow, on the rocks out of reach, and niver a harm on her when they found her in the mornin'. But she'd been all of a could quiver ever since, and himself doubted if she'd rightly git over it might the divil mend her, and she after bein' the death of a fine young man.

Andy was told to ice the champagne, and the wine and a tub of ice were given to him. "Well, this is the quarest thing I ever heered of," said Andy. "Musha! What outlandish inventions the quality has among them! They're not content with wine, but they must have ice along with it and in a tub, too, like pigs! Troth, its a' dirty thrick, I think.

Mary Ellen, supported by her broom, stared out of the window. "For th' love of Hiven!" she ejaculated. "If that ain't a sight now! Byes, it's Mr. Pegg's own father come home from somewheres in th' Indies. Their cook was tellin' me of the time they have wid him. He's a bit light-headed, y'see, an' has all his meals in his own room th' quarest dishes iver an' a starlin' for a pet, mind ye."

"The gentleman looked like winning, as I said," observed the chapman blandly. "Take it, sir; the article is yours." "Haw-haw-haw!" said Fairway. "I'm damned if this isn't the quarest start that ever I knowed!" "Mine?" asked Christian, with a vacant stare from his target eyes.

As the hack rolled along toward East Rock the freshmen sang: "We belong to good old 'Umpty-eight, For she's a corker, sure as fate, sure as fate. We have met the sophomores, And they're feeling awful sore; So hurrah for good old 'Umpty-eight! 'Umpty-eight!" "Begobs! ye're th' quarest gang av softmores Oi iver saw!" cried the driver.

Throth, I was a'most ashamed to put my fut on the deck, it was so clane, and she painted every color in the rainbow; and all sorts o' curiosities about her; and instead iv a tiller to steer her, like this darlin' craythur iv ours, she goes wid a wheel, like a coach all as one; and there's the quarest thing you iver seen, to show the way, as the captain gev me to understan', a little round rowly-powly thing in a bowl, that goes waddlin' about as if it didn't know its own way, much more nor show anybody theirs.

"Wal, I 'clar, now, jes de quarest ting ob 'bout all dis matter o' freedom is de way dat it sloshes roun' de names 'mong us cullud folks. H'yer I lib ober on de Hyco twenty year er mo' nobody but ole Marse Potem an' de Lor', an' p'raps de Debble beside, know 'zackly how long it mout hev been an' didn't hev but one name in all dat yer time.

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