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Well, mebby if is so, I d'no. But I wuzn't knowin' to it myself, nor Josiah wuzn't. Well, onheedin' our facts or fancies, the river bore us onwards on its breast. Past high green boulders risin' up from the water with nothin' on 'em, not even a tree; jest gray rock lookin' some like a geni's castle frownin' down onto the intruders into their realm.

It looks you straight in the face; and you can see it thinkin' and smilin' and frownin' and doin' things, just as I can see you at this minute. Do you think the stars can't understand one another? They can do it a sight better than you and me can. And they do it without speakin' a word. That, I tell you, is what you sees when you lets your line out to the edge!

'Tis little we knows about what He's up to. An' 'tis wise, I'm thinkin', not t' bother about tryin' t' find out. 'Tis better t' let Him steer His own course an' ask no questions. I just knowed He was up t' something grand. I said so, Davy! 'Tis just like the hymn, lad, about His hidin' a smilin' face behind a frownin' providence. Ah, Davy, He'll take care o' we!"

The village is thar in a frownin' an' resentful body to arrest 'em for them voylations, which is accordin' done. "'At the same time, I regyards the play as the funniest, ondoubted, that's ever been evolved in Tennessee; but my mood changes as subsequent events assoomes a somber face. Old Jedge Finn goes fumin' about like a wronged lion, an' the rest is as hot as election day in a hornet's nest.

While the rousement lasts, the road to glory stretches out befoh 'em, an' they're ready, ez the hymn says, 'to bid far'well to ev'ry fear an' face a frownin' world. Then by the nex' week they can't mustah up 'nough strength to hoe a row o' cawn. Oh, yes, they're mighty happy while the meetin' lasts.

"'E was frownin' to 'isself all the time, and I could see as 'e was pretty mad that 'e'd come too late. I weren't sorry myself," she asserted boldly. "For I'd 'oped against 'ope after 'is last visit that 'e'd never see pore mother again alive. I couldn't 'a' stood it! There, I just couldn't." Quite unexpectedly Mrs. Briggs suddenly broke down and dropped into a chair.

It's all they can do to keep a grave front while pore Coyote in his ignorance calls the bluff of one of the most deadly an' gamest gents who ever crosses the Missouri one who for nerve an' finish is a even break with Cherokee Hall. "'Follow me, says Peets, frownin' on Coyote like a thunder cloud; 'I'll equip you with a weepon myse'f.

'It'd be a good idee to buy it in, an' no mistake, "'Yes, says Eb, noddin', 'yes. Yes, so't would be. "'I donno's I'd do it, Silas, if I was you, says Timothy, frownin' judicial. 'Ain't you gettin' some stiff to take up with a new business? But Timothy is one o' them little pink men, an' you can't take his frowns much to heart. "'No, says Eb, shakin' his head. 'No.

"Well, sir, the fust lootenant tells the chief buffer to 'ave the buoys bled, but it so 'appens that the doctor 'eard wot 'e said, so up 'e comes. 'Did I 'ear you tellin' the Chief Bos'un's Mate to 'ave the boys bled? he arsks. 'You did indeed, Sawbones, Number One tells 'im. 'But surely that's my bizness? sez the doctor. 'Your bizness! sez Number One, frownin' like.

Tom'll sit by himself so glumpish, a-knittin' his brow, an' a-lookin' at the fire of a night. He should be a bit livelier now, a fine young fellow like him. My wife says, when she goes in sometimes, an' he takes no notice of her, he sits lookin' into the fire, and frownin' as if he was watchin' folks at work in it." "He thinks so much about business," said Maggie.