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Now hereupon she sobbed amain and fell upon her knees with arms outstretched in passionate appeal but lo! she spake no word, her swimming eyes oped suddenly wide, and with arms yet outstretched she stared and stared beyond Sir Gui in so much that he turned and started back amazed to behold one clad as a dusty miller, a mighty man whose battered hat touched the lintel and whose great bulk filled the doorway a very silent man who looked and looked with neck out-thrust, yet moved not and uttered no word.

I tell you frankly I 'oped you wouldn't hear of it, because after all the girl's got her punishment. And this divorce-court it's not nice it's a horrible thing for respectable people. And, mind you, I won't see my girl married to that scoundrel, not if you do divorce 'im. No; she'll have her disgrace for nothing."

Pretty came to the winder agin and dropped the coat on his 'ead and said that Bob felt his kindness very much, and he 'oped Dicky ud make a good job of it, because it was 'is favrite coat, he couldn't speak. He stood there shaking all over till Mrs.

Who lured the Swedish Nightingale To Western woods to come? Who prosperous and happy made The life of little Thumb? Who oped Amusement's golden door So cheaply to the crowd, And taught Morality to smile On all HIS stage allowed? Come! shout a gallant chorus, Until the glasses ring Here's health and luck to Barnum! The Exhibition King.

She bathed me and she washed my wounds, and garments fresh she gave, Far brighter than were fit to deck the body of a slave; And love's delight we shared that night, for I grew gay and bold! And in the morn she gave to me a hundred crowns of gold. She oped the gates, she bade me, with smiles, once more be free; We fled, for fear that Moorish hound would slay both her and me.

"That the paper is roughened a little, and the ink has run." "Yes, and vot else? Look at it a bit closer, sir." "Why," said Barnabas staring hard at the spot, "it looks as though something had been scratched out!" "And so it has, sir. If you go there at seven-thirty, it von't be a fair lady as'll be vaiting to meet you. The time's been altered o' course jest as I 'oped and expected."

She addressed the remark to Arthur Miles; but the waiter at once stepped forward. "It is to be 'oped!" said he, absent-mindedly dusting the back of a chair. Just at this moment a strange throbbing noise drew him to the window, to gaze out into the street. It alarmed the children too, and they were about to follow and seek the cause of it, when Mr. Jessup appeared in the doorway.

"That did not better for his life provide Than public means which public manners breeds, Whence comes it that his name receives a brand," Of whom else could he have been thinking, when he says, "Graves, at my command, Have waked their sleepers, oped, and let them forth, By my so potent art"?

Thou art my search, my joy and my desire! * None save thyself shall love this heart of me: Would Heaven I knew thou knewest of my wails * Night-long and eyelids oped by memory. Bid sleep to soourn on these eyen-lids * Haply in vision I thy sight shall see. Show favour then to one thus love-distraught: * Save him from ruin by thy cruelty!

Well, sir, the mare she just gives in at the knees and rubbed 'er nose agin' 'im, and says just as plain as Scripter that she was real sorry, and 'oped 'e 'd forget it as one gen'l'man to a lady. With sundry anecdotes of a like nature, Mathews guided the visitor past the long line of stalls, whose inhabitants kept their stately heads turned to gratify the insatiable curiosity of the equine.