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And he come to de break ob de poop wif de Old Man, and de Old Man say, 'Ah got a good man watchin' every move he makes; he can't turn around in de foc'sle wifout me knowin' it. We'll be wahned befoh it happens. Dat's what de Old Man say to Mistah Mate. And Ah knows he mus' be talkin' about de big fellow, and so Ah tells Boston about it." "But didn't you hear any names mentioned?" I asked him.

A deep sigh, like the passing of cave winds, came from the old woman's throat. "Praise de Lawd," she murmured. "I see now you'se not, honey; but jest why is too much fer me. Run 'long befoh Aunt Timmie make a fool of herse'f. Dat man's oudacious wickedness is got to be stopped but you leave dat to me! Some day I'se gwine send fer you, an' you'se comin' widout axin' why. Heah dat?

One uv the brothahs I can't re-collect his fust name wuzn't married; but the otheh hed a wife an' a four-year-old boy when they come, an' anotheh child wuz borned to 'em 'bout two weeks befoh thet last Injun raid.

The darky chuckled. "Ah done fohgot 'em befoh you evah asted 'em, suh. Thank you, suh!" As I passed into the big, central living-room, Paisley came in. "What was this I saw in The Sun?" he asked. "The sort of rot that nasty sheet always prints," I said. "Nothing to it of course. I thought not. You don't feel like golfing?" I shook my head. "Not to-day, old chap.

"Tonight," he went on, "for youah entertainment, I will oferrr this distinguished audience a marrvelous programme an extrahorrrdinary exheebeeshun of tricks and sleight of hand meeraculs such as nevah befoh were puhfomed by human hands. "Now watch, ladees, and keep yuh eyes peeled, gents and mebbe youall kin learn the secret."

While the rousement lasts, the road to glory stretches out befoh 'em, an' they're ready, ez the hymn says, 'to bid far'well to ev'ry fear an' face a frownin' world. Then by the nex' week they can't mustah up 'nough strength to hoe a row o' cawn. Oh, yes, they're mighty happy while the meetin' lasts.

I want to be broad-minded, but, confound it! it seems that I cyan't, suh. "'Well, you are ahead of me just one generation, said I. 'I was born in the North and raised up here but my father was a Southern soldier. "'What! said the old man. 'Why didn't yo' tell me this befoh, suh? Hyah, I've been treatin' yo' like a dog, suh, all this time. And your father was a confed'rate soldier, suh?

Cynthy Ann, with our little William in her lap, rid behind me on the nag, an' I carried befoh me in the saddle a little chap belonging to one uv our men, who hed a sick wife an' a two-weeks-ole baby to look afteh. Thet was a sad, sad trip fur me an' Cynthy Ann," he murmured with a sudden break in his voice and a wistful look at his wife.

"I don't remember Tyse," he said at length, reaching for one of Zack's store cigars. "When was that?" "Three years before," Dale answered. "Three yeahs befoh Tusk?" "No, three years before Bill." "Wall, I'll be heah, Zack, give me another snifter!" Jess nervously drank it, handed back the glass and looked at Dale. "In my jedgment, the statters of limintation is clean busted on that case, too.

But I 'spec' Miss Lucy Buckner done he'p some in de settleMENT. Foh de day befoh de weddin' was gwine ter be, she ups an' she runs off wid a Yankee frien' of her brother, Kunnel Tom Buckner. An' I'se 'spec' Kunnel Tom an' Marse Prent McMakin would o' settle' HIM ef dey evah had o' cotched him dat dar David Ahmstrong!" "Who?" says I.