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De one dat did would 'a' wush' he had n', ef he could 'a' libbed long ernuff ter do any wushin'. "It all happen' dis erway. Dey wuz a cunjuh man w'at libbed ober t' other side er de Lumbe'ton Road. He had be'n de only cunjuh doctor in de naberhood fer lo! dese many yeahs, 'tel ole Aun' Peggy sot up in de bizness down by de Wim'l'ton Road.

"I hope I's ready, but I hope to be spaihed a good many yeahs yit." "To do good, I suppose?" "Yes, suh; yes, suh. Fac' is, Mawse Gawge, I jes' hop up to ax you some'p'n." "Well, here I am." "I want to ax you I want to ax you er er I want " "Oh, speak out. I haven't time to be bothering here all day." "Well, you know, Mawse Gawge, some o' us ain' nigh ez ol' ez dey looks." "That's true.

Nevah knowed such a dry season befoah, an' I was fifty-two yeahs old, three weeks an' one day ago yestuhday." "Thank you, Malachi, for your warning. We'll be doubly careful, because of it, and I hope after this war is over to share your fine hospitality once more." "You'll sho'ly be welcome an' ev'y man an' boy with you will be welcome, too.

Something in the atmosphere conduced to somnolence, for even the horses stood still, with no signs of restlessness. The colonel was the first to break the spell. "What's the matter with them, Peter? Do you know?" "Dey's bofe plumb 'stracted, suh clean out'n dey min's dey be'n dat way fer yeahs an' yeahs an' yeahs." "That's Mr. Dudley, I suppose?"

They went aroun' whippin' niggahs. They'd get young girls and strip 'em sta'k naked, and put 'em across barrels, and whip 'em till the blood run out of 'em, and then they would put salt in the raw pahts. And ah seen it, and it was as bloody aroun' em as if they'd stuck hogs. "I sho' is glad I ain't no slave no moah. Ah thank God that ah lived to pas the yeahs until the day of 1937.

I wo'ked fu' every cent of dat money, an' I saved it myself. Oh, I 'll nevah be able to git a job ag'in. Me in de lock-up me, aftah all dese yeahs!" Beyond this, apparently, his mind could not go. That his detention was anything more than temporary never seemed to enter his mind. That he would be convicted and sentenced was as far from possibility as the skies from the earth.

He wore clay-flecked cavalry boots, and was six feet five if an inch, so that Stephen's six seemed insignificant beside him. "Captain," he said, taking in Stephen's rank, "so we won't qua'l as to who's host heah. One thing's suah," he added, with a twinkle, "I've been heah longest. Seems like ten yeahs since I saw the wife and children down in the Palmetto State. I can't offer you a dinner, seh.

"Ah-h! and his friend the young gentleman who laid his hand to ouh plow and put the engine on the track last night?" "He is Mr. Winton a an artist, I believe; at least, that is what I gathered from what Mr. Adams said of him." Mr. Somerville Darrah laughed, a slow little laugh, deep in his chest. "Bless youh innocent soul he a picchuh painteh? Not in a thousand yeahs, my deah Virginia.

"But I's been missin' my po' ol' wife so much hyeah lately." "You've been missing her, oh, yes, and so you want to get a woman young enough to be your granddaughter to fill her place." "Well, Mas' Gawge, you know, ef I is ol' an' feeble, ez you say, I need a strong young han' to he'p me down de hill, an' ef Manette don' min' spa'in' a few mont's er yeahs "

"Did I evah see her befo'?" questioned the Little Colonel. "Why, yes, the day we moved heah. Don't you know she came and stayed so long, and the rockah broke off the little white rockin'-chair when she sat down in it?" "Oh, now I know!" laughed the child. "She's the big fat one with curls hangin' round her yeahs like shavin's. I don't like her, Mom Beck.