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Although he was sixty-eight, he showed as much briskness and sprightliness as any young sawbones calling in a friendly way to perform a little operation. He had brought an instrument case, some linen bands and some lint. However, he became angry on finding the injured man nervous, flushed and hot with fever. "Ah! I see that you haven't been reasonable, my dear child," said he.

Sir Harry had long been tailed off; both the brothers Spangles had dropped astern; the horse of one had dropped too; Sawbones, the doctor's, had got a stiff neck; Willing, the road surveyor, and Mr. Lavender, the grocer, pulled up together.

"In fact, you might say that we passed the sawbones with honors. "But that medical chap put in a long time listening at my chest," complained Dan Dalzell, who was undeniably fidgeting in his seat. "Then, too, the civil service sawbones told me that, while he passed me, as far as he was concerned, I'd have to stand the ordeal again before the Naval surgeons at Annapolis."

"Well, I'd like to clap my eyes on Miss Gordon, just a stepping in at that open door that's what we want. That sawbones feller is right when he says the progress will be slow. Slow! Slow ain't quite the word. No more ain't progress the word that's my opinion. He just lies on that bed, and the most he can do is to skylark a bit with Nestorius.

"N-n-not long," answered Truax, quite truthfully. "Take this thermometer under your tongue!" Sam Truax meekly submitted, then sat, perfectly still, while Doctor McCrea paced the brig for two full minutes. Then the "sawbones" took the thermometer from between Truax's lips and inspected it keenly. "Hospital man!" rapped out Doctor McCrea, sharply.

"Hey? Uh! By James! Well, if that ain't a picture now! These sure are mighty fine little glasses, ma'am. I can see 'em plain as day." "Them? you say 'them, Daddy?" cried Isobel. "Sure. Come and look for yourself. Guess Lafe is fixing Mr. Blake's leg. Which reminds me, honey, that before we left the ranch, Mrs. Blake had me send for that lunger sawbones that's come to live at Stockchute.

Changing his voice, he addressed me in a thick Cockney dialect: "My name is now Dick Henderson, from the Epsom race-track, and don't you forget it, old Sawbones, or I'll make hash out of you!" "All right, Dick, I'm on, as usual. Say, now's a good chance to put back those six pairs of shoes in their respective owners' rooms before Natalie and Adelaide, the chambermaids, get up here," I said.

"Well, sir, the fust lootenant tells the chief buffer to 'ave the buoys bled, but it so 'appens that the doctor 'eard wot 'e said, so up 'e comes. 'Did I 'ear you tellin' the Chief Bos'un's Mate to 'ave the boys bled? he arsks. 'You did indeed, Sawbones, Number One tells 'im. 'But surely that's my bizness? sez the doctor. 'Your bizness! sez Number One, frownin' like.

'She's a-goin' off, soliloquised Sam in great perplexity. 'Wot a thing it is, as these here young creeturs will go a-faintin' avay just ven they oughtn't to. Here, young 'ooman, Miss Sawbones, Mrs. Vinkle, don't! Whether it was the magic of Mr. Winkle's name, or the coolness of the open air, or some recollection of Mr. Weller's voice, that revived Arabella, matters not.

The captain came half round, and regarded him with the dull and solemn eyes of a drunken man. "Wha' won't do?" he said, and added, after looking sleepily into Montgomery's face for a minute, "Blasted Sawbones!" With a sudden movement he shook his arms free, and after two ineffectual attempts stuck his freckled fists into his side pockets. "That man's a passenger," said Montgomery.