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For he wald se his gouernyng, That had the castell in keping: And gert mak mony juperty, To se quhethyr he wald ische blythly. And quhen he persavyt that he Wald blythly ische with his menye, He maid a gadringr priuely Off thaim that war on his party; That war sa fele, that thai durst fych With Thyrwall, and all the mycht Off thaim that in the castell war.

In blotted, sloping roundhand was written: "My Dear Harry, "Good-bye, I do fele so very ill, I can't do any more. Don't forget I allwaies was your wiffe. "I am your affex., D. A." We looked at each other in wonder and dismay, sure that the child must be very ill, and indignant that we had not been told.

"Last nite I drem't of the cherchyarde at S. I satte under the olde yewe tree, as it semed in my dreme, and hurd a childes voice crying in a very piteous mannerr. The thort of this dreme has oppress'd my speritts all day, and Rebecka has enquier'd more than wunce wot ales me. If little M. but lay nere at hande, in ye graive to wich I fele I must soone be carrid, I beleive I shou'd be happyer.

Tharfor the men of that countre, For swa fele thar mellyt wer, Callit it the "Dowglas Lardner." Syne tuk he salt, as Ic hard tell, And ded horss, and sordid the well. And brynt all, owtakyn stane; And is forth, with his menye, gayne Till his resett; for him thoucht weill, Giff he had haldyn the caslell, It had bene assegyt raith; And that him thoucht to mekill waith.

"Remember that I'm no ancient! What are you thinking about?" "Never mind! Say Filipinas!" "I don't want to. I'm no ancient baggage, scarcely thirty years old!" she replied, rolling up her sleeves and preparing herself for the fray. "Say it, you , or I'll throw this chair at you!" Consolacion saw the movement, reflected, then began to stammer with heavy breaths, "Feli-, Fele-, File " Pum! Crack!

Lyf lythes to nee, Twa wordes or three, Of one who was fair and free, And fele in his fight. Sir Percival.