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We began to build. How long since we had built La Navidad! The River Bethlehem, that had been full when we entered, now was half empty of its waters. The Consolacion, the Juana, and the San Sebastian that were to depart for Spain could not pass. The Admiral hung, fitted to go, but waiting perforce for rains that should lift the ships so they might pass the bar.

As she reads all the reports that her husband is to receive, scarcely had he got back home, drunk and not knowing what he was doing, when to revenge herself on you she sent the sergeant with the soldiers to disturb the merriment of your picnic. Be careful! Eve was a good woman, sprung from the hands of God they say that Doña Consolacion is evil and it's not known whose hands she came from!

The sight of blood excites a tiger; so, too, the sight of the blood of her victim infuriated Doña Consolacion. "Dance! dance! Curse you! D n you! Dance! Cursed be the mother who bore you!" she cried. "Dance, or I'll kill you by whipping you to death!" Then the alfereza, taking the woman with one hand and whipping her with another, began to jump and dance.

Roaring with rage and pain the alferez followed her, but, coming up against the door, he could do nothing but belch forth a string of blasphemies. "Cursed be your ancestors, you swine! Open, d n you! Open that door or I'll break your skull!" he howled, pounding and kicking the panels. Doña Consolacion did not reply.

Doña Consolacion turned her head slowly, looked her over again, and then spit again, but with still greater disdain. "What is the matter with you, Doña?" said the alfereza. "Can you tell me, Señora, why you look at me so? Are you envious?" Doña Victorina finally succeeded in saying. "I envious of you?" said the Medusa with scorn. "O, yes! I envy those curls." "Come, wife!" said the doctor.

As a result, any one who persisted in being an enemy of the priest was generally considered a worse man than the devil himself an honor which the alferez alone enjoyed. But he merited this reputation. He had a wife, an old, powdered and painted Filipino by the name of Doña Consolación. The husband and several other people called her by a different name, but that does not matter.

Doña Victorina was at length able to articulate. "I, envious of you, I, of you?" drawled the Muse. "Yes, I envy you those frizzes!" "Come, woman!" pleaded the doctor. "D-don't t-take any n-notice!" "Let me teach this shameless slattern a lesson," replied his wife, giving him such a shove that he nearly kissed the ground. Then she again turned to Doña Consolacion.

Maceo now separated his forces from Gomez's command, and marched westward, fighting as he went, and everywhere meeting with success. He established the new government in the cities and towns of Mantua, San Cristobal, Remates, Palacios, Paso Real de San Diego, Guane, Consolacion del Sur, Pilotos, Alonso de Rojas, San Luis, San Juan y Martinez, and others of less importance.

And the Consolacion, the Margarita, the Juana and the San Sebastian away to the west, to the sound of music, for the Admiral cried to our musicians, "Play, play in God's name!" Night passed. Morning broke. So light was the wind that the shore went by slowly. There gathered an impatience. "If we must to Jamaica, what use in following every curve of Hispaniola that is forbid us?"

Doña Consolacion did not care to return to her town at the toe of a boot, but she meditated revenge. Never had the dark face of this lady been such as to inspire confidence in any one, not even when she painted, but that morning it greatly worried the servants, especially when they saw her move about the house from one part to another, silently, as if meditating something terrible or malign.