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In the moist pink palm lay three dollars, a fifty-cent piece, and a dime. Never had Pap's voice sounded so harsh in my ears as when he said: "Do I understan' that ye offer this to me?" His tone frightened her. "Yas, sir. Won't you p-p-please t-take it?" "Did yer folks tell ye to give me this money?" "Why, no. I'd oughter hev asked 'em, I s'pose, but I never thought o' that. Honest Injun, Mr.

"T-take her first Una!" flickered Pem, a spicy flicker still, as she felt a strong grasp on her shoulder and looked up into the face of a broad-shouldered youth in a gray sweater; the engine might explode, but, to the last, they should not say of Toandoah's daughter that her courage was a Quaker gun. "Jove! but you're game," flashed the youth. "Well, keep up hang on I'll be back in a minute!"

"Well, but," said Percy, with a few slight hesitations, "not to t-take an interest in c-coal is not to take an interest in the n-nation, for this n-nation is g-great, not by its p-powerful fleet, nor its little b-b-bit of an army " A snort from the Colonel.

"How can I tell," said Anthony, "that all this is true?" The man with an impatient movement unfastened his shirt at the neck and drew up on a string that was round his neck a little leather case. "Th-there, sir," he stammered, drawing the string over his head. "T-take that to the fire and see what it is."

Doña Victorina was at length able to articulate. "I, envious of you, I, of you?" drawled the Muse. "Yes, I envy you those frizzes!" "Come, woman!" pleaded the doctor. "D-don't t-take any n-notice!" "Let me teach this shameless slattern a lesson," replied his wife, giving him such a shove that he nearly kissed the ground. Then she again turned to Doña Consolacion.

I-I don't just kn-know how it h-h-happened, it was so blame s-sudden, b-but she 's got her l-l-lasso 'bout me all r-right. But Lord! sh-she 's all fun an' laugh; sh-sh-she don't seem to take n-nothin' serious like, an' you c-can't make much ou-ou-out o' that kind; you n-never know just how to t-take 'em; leastwise, I don't.

"Why do you ask me that?" she questioned, for the moment uncertain how to answer him. "I scarcely know her; I know almost nothing regarding her life." "Y-you, you are a w-woman, Miss," he insisted, doggedly, "an', I t-take it, a woman who will u-understand such th-th-things. T-tell me, is she on the squar?" "Yes," she responded, warmly.

T-Take the wheel, will you, S-Spike?" He and I went below, and brought up some things to eat. We were well out in the Bay now, Rogers's Island was only a dim blue spot astern. We ate luncheon, and discussed where we should go. I was trying to make them see that it would be safe enough to sail over to Lanesport, when Spook paused, with a banana raised toward his mouth.

Like a bally collar in a laundry! Oh, damn life! What's he know about it, anyway? Have you got a deck-chair?" "Yes, but " "I'm going to put mine on the fo'c'sle presently. If we don't peg out claims they'll all go, and the fo'c'sle is the best place in the steerage. Where's yours? I'll t-take it there, if you like." He had begun to stammer in the last sentence, suddenly self-conscious again.

This morning he was late; the corridors nowhere echoed the rattle of his cash-box. So it occurred to me to entertain the crowd with a little imitation of Fillet. Seating myself at his desk, I frowned at a nervous junior, and addressed him thus: "N-now, my boy, how much b-b-bank do you want? Shilling? B-b-bank won't stand it. T-take sixpence. Sixpence not enough? Take ninepence and run away."