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I-I don't just kn-know how it h-h-happened, it was so blame s-sudden, b-but she 's got her l-l-lasso 'bout me all r-right. But Lord! sh-she 's all fun an' laugh; sh-sh-she don't seem to take n-nothin' serious like, an' you c-can't make much ou-ou-out o' that kind; you n-never know just how to t-take 'em; leastwise, I don't.

"Y-you sh-sh-shut up, B-Bill," and the huge form of Stutter Brown loomed up directly between them, and that menacing rifle. "I-I reckon as how I'll t-t-take a h-hand in this yere g-g-game. Sh-she ain't no s-spy fer Farnham, er I 'm a l-l-liar." He touched her softly with his great hand, bending down to look into her face, half hidden beneath the ruffled black hair.

You was down ther mine, jist then, so that's the whole o' it up ter date." "Where are they now?" "In the cabin yonder, sleepin' I reckon." Winston turned hastily toward Brown, his lips quivering, his eyes grown stern. "Who was it with Mercedes?" he questioned sharply. "Did you learn her name?" "Sh-she told me d-d-down at San Juan," replied Stutter, striving hard to recollect.

"She has not had much chance, I think, and may have made a mistake, perhaps many of them, but I believe she 's on the square." "Did did sh-she come out t-to our m-m-mine spying for Farnham?" "Really, I don't know." His grave face darkened anxiously; she could perceive the change even in that shadow, and distinguish the sharp grind of his teeth. "Damn him," he muttered, his voice bitter with hate.

"It is an old story, old as the dried f-flowers that Mildred told me of, but it had a f-fragrance once. Yer-your mother, Mark, was as per-pretty a girl as you'd often see. Walter Kinloch ler-loved her, and she him. He sailed to the Indies, an' some der-diff'culty happened, so that the letters stopped. I d-don't know how 'twas. But arter a while sh-she married your father. Mr.

"The very words I was a-sayin' no longer ago th'n this minute to Sister Utterback, 'n' she'll tell you so herself. Sh-she, look at that-air rag ladder, sh-she; 'n' s'I, yes, LOOK at it, s'I what COULD he a-wanted of it, s'I. Sh-she, Sister Hotchkiss, sh-she " "But how in the nation'd they ever GIT that grindstone IN there, ANYWAY? 'n' who dug that-air HOLE? 'n' who " "My very WORDS, Brer Penrod!

"The very words I was a-sayin' no longer ago th'n this minute to Sister Utterback, 'n' she'll tell you so herself. Sh-she, look at that-air rag ladder, sh-she; 'n' s'I, yes, LOOK at it, s'I what COULD he a-wanted of it, s'I. Sh-she, Sister Hotchkiss, sh-she " "But how in the nation'd they ever GIT that grindstone IN there, ANYWAY? 'n' who dug that-air HOLE? 'n' who " "My very WORDS, Brer Penrod!

Been bounced?" "N-no." "The old hag 'ain't been making it hot for you, has she?" "Sh-she " "Gad! that old hag gets my fur up. I had a mother-in-law once tried them tricks on me till I learned her they wouldn't work. But the old hag of yourn " "It's her eyes; the doctor must have scared her up again to-day.

When the twister had subsided, thanks to the magic of Glinda and the Wizard, there stood a hideous green-faced woman in a black outfit. On her head she wore a black pointed hat. In her hand was a broomstick. "Who's sh-she?" stuttered Dorothy. "I don't know," replied Ozma. "She looks like a Witch! But not like any of the Witches I've ever known about!"

Vannie sobbed drearily for a few moments on Peter's breast. "Sh-she did fuh a while: 'n 'en sh-she broke off wid h-him, anyhow, an' an' he swo' out a wa'nt an sont her to jail!" The mother sobbed without comfort, and finally added: "Sh-she in a delicate fix now, an' 'at jail goin' to be a gloomy place fuh Cissie."