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This is what it was: Dear Bottle Man: To-day we got your leter wich surprised us very much. Although I kept hopeing and hopeing some body would find the bottle. We are not so distresed now because we were picked up and now have toast and other things beter than barnicles. I mesured from here to the equater on the big map and it is an aufuly far way for the bottle to go. Only I thought it would.

Flip Denton was running down to Brighton for the week-end also, to take her out on the Sunday in his car; and he noticed at once that a shadow wich had hovered over her eyes of late had vanished. "You are looking topping," he told her. "What about the love affair, is it all satisfactorily off? It has been worrying you a little of late."

Don't say a word to noboddy but cum at ten o'clock to the blazed oke wich is just south of your camp if you tell anyboddy or bring anyboddy you wont get to no nuffin about it." Glen's first impulse was to show the document to Jolly Bill. As Bill was busy in conversation with Mr. Newton he had time to think it over. It was something about the treasure, quite evidently. Very likely it was a trick.

"I appreciate your devotion, I do, indeed, Mr. de Brabazon," said Florence, earnestly; "but I must decline your offer. I will not marry without love." "I don't mind that," said Percy, "if you'll agree to take a feller; you'll learn in time to like him a little. I am wich I know you don't care for that but I can give you as good a home as your uncle. If you would give me hope aw "

This is an error; and wich is merely an Anglo-Saxon corruption of the Roman word vicus, as in Harwich. The town was more than once besieged during the great civil wars, lastly by Lord Byron, unsuccessfully, with an army chiefly Irish, which was compelled to raise the siege and defeated by Sir Thomas Fairfax and Sir William Brereton.

Stella wet her handkerchief and bathed her throbbing forehead, then took a deep draft, and felt much refreshed. "Here's your canteen," she said. Again the flap was thrust aside, and the ugly face looked in upon her with a leer. "Where are we, and where are we going?" asked Stella. "We're in the Wich " "Hey, Jack, stow that," cried the driver. "But it won't do no harm "

The duckinmallard or common large duck wich resembles the domestic duck are the same here with those of the U Sts. they are abundant and are found on every part of the river below the mountains. they remain here all winter but I beleive they do not continue during winter far above tidewater. a beautifull duck and one of the most delicious in the world is found in considerable quantities in this neighbourhood during the Autumn and winter. this is the same with that known in the Delliware, Susquehannah, and Potomac by the name of the Canvisback and in James River by that of shell-Drake; in the latter river; however I am informed that they have latterly almost entirely disappeared. to the epicure of those parts of the union where this duck abounds nothing need be added in praise of the exqusite flavor of this duck.

He kept his mother's cellar well supplied with firewood and sold the surplus to the neighbors; the proceeds of wich were devoted to gingerbread and even at that early age to the abominable roll of tobacco known as the "Pittsburgh Stogie."

NANTWICH, about five miles from Crewe, is one of the towns which supplies Cheshire's salt exports, Middlewich and Northwich being the other two. In all, rich brine springs are found, but the celebrated mines of rock-salt are found at Northwich only. It is vulgarly imagined that the word wich has something to do with salt, these three towns being often described as the "Wiches."

"'Pale youth, quoth I, 'I pray thee the way to the sanctum-sanctorum, to the Most High Cock-a-lorum. "He deigned to look at me, scornfully, with infinite weariness. "'G'wan an' see the janitor. I don't know nothin' about the gas. "'Nay, my lily-white, the editor. "'Wich editor? he snapped like a young bullterrier. 'Dramatic? Sportin'? Society? Sunday? Weekly? Daily? Telegraph? Local? News?