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But what did I do when I was so confounedly disgusted by my guvnor ankring after the baronnites money wich it wasn't rite nor yet onest. Why I went meself to Appy ouse as you noes Mr. Pindargrasp, and was the first to tel the Appy ouse gent hall about it. But what dos he do. Hoh, Mr.

"We promise not-tew-ak under our-commishins, until the g r grievunces of wich the people complain, are r e d r redressed." "Wot's redressed?" "That's same ez 'bolished." "Here be the names," pursued Pete. "Charles Goodrich." "He's the feller ez loss his hat." "William Whiting." "James Barker." "Elijah Dwight." "It's false," exclaimed Dwight, "my name's not there!"

"There, I've took somethin' for the good of the house, and now, lads, I'll drink to your better health and happiness in my favourite tipple, the wich I heartily recommend to you." Bluenose drained the pot, flung a half-crown on the table, and swaggered out of the house with his hands deep in the pockets of his rough pea-jacket.

Arter which she keeps on abusin' of him for half an hour, and then runs into the little parlour behind the shop, sets to a-screamin', says he'll be the death on her, and falls in a fit, which lasts for three good hours one o' them fits wich is all screamin' and kickin'. Well, next mornin', the husband was missin'. He hadn't taken nothin' from the till hadn't even put on his greatcoat so it was quite clear he warn't gone to 'Merriker.

Why not give Fate a chance to endow him quickly with the rich, blessed love that kept a man walking straight and strong along his steadfast way? But again the thought came back of what he would lose, what he must inevitably lose, if he missed the storm and stress and struggle that are as the mill and furnace through wich the gold is refined, and hardened, and separated from the dross.

"'Wich I told your brother ugh, ugh! an' I've slaved, an', ugh, ugh! an' wich it were all a mistake ugh, ugh! 'ave mercy, gentlemen. "'But you said you would murder me, and you nearly did murder me, and "'Peace, Mr. Worrell, said Grahame, impressively; 'the hour of your redemption draweth nigh.

'Well, perhaps, said Sam, 'you bought houses, wich is delicate English for goin' mad; or took to buildin', wich is a medical term for bein' incurable. The cobbler shook his head and said, 'Try again. 'You didn't go to law, I hope? said Sam suspiciously. 'Never in my life, replied the cobbler. 'The fact is, I was ruined by having money left me. 'Come, come, said Sam, 'that von't do.

This termination wich is itself curiously significant, as Canon Isaac Taylor has shown, of the necessary connection between salt and the sea. The earliest known way of producing salt was of course in shallow pans on the sea-shore, at the bottom of a shoal bay, called in Norse and Early English a wick or wich; and the material so produced is still known in trade as bay-salt.

"I think, sir," said the man on entering, "that we've got scent of an old woman wich is as like the one that you're arter as hanythink." Martin rose in haste, "have you, my man? Are you sure?" "'Bout as sure as a man can be who never seed her. But it won't take you long to walk. You'd better come and see for yourself."

"Well, it seems there's some difficulties in the matter, wich I'm sure don't surprise me, for I never 'eard of things as 'ad to do with estates and law as didn't create difficulties, and I'm thankful as I've got nothin' to do with none of such things.