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The next morning, while a score or more of delinquents sat in the anxious seats, Justice Garry recognized me and gave me precedence. And Mr. Weill, with a sigh of relief, paid his fine. "Mr. Paret, is it?" he asked, as we stood together for a moment on the sidewalk outside the court. "You have managed this well. I will remember." He was sued, of course.

Weill made out a cheque and departed in a good humour, convinced that he was well out of the matter. Here was one of many instances I could cite of Mr. Watling's tenderness of heart. I felt, moreover, as if he had done me a personal favour, since it was I who had recommended the compromise.

Accordingly when Earl Angus came to attend the Parliament he was confronted by his adversaries in possession of the town and of the castle, with his wife, the most violent adversary of all, in the fortress shut up from his access or approach. He was accompanied, Pitscottie tells us, "with all his kin and friends to the number of five hundred spears, weill accompanied and arrayed."

Her subscription list was opened by President Poincaré with a gift of one thousand francs; the American War Relief Clearing House gave her four thousand three hundred francs, Madame Viviani contributed four thousand francs; the Comédie Française one thousand, and Raphael Weill of San Francisco seven thousand seven hundred and fifty; Alexander Phillips of New York three thousand; and capitalists, banks, bank clerks, civil servants, colonials, school children, contributed sums great and small.

This is pretendit bot the dint will lycht on the Kirk ..." "They sall call me a false knave," replied the Bishop, "and never to be believit again, if the Papists be not sa handleit as they wer never in Scotland." "That may weill be," was Balfour's rejoinder.

Weill and Company and other unscrupulous upstarts are willing to do so, and poison the poor and the sick with adulterated groceries! The first thing I knew was that the city auditor was holding back my bills for supplies, and paying Weill's. That's what politics and business, yes, sir, and the law, have come to in these days. If a man wants to succeed, he must turn into a rascal."

Nothing enters a close Hand. Neir is the Kirtle, but neirer is the Sark. Need hes no law. No man may puind for unkindnesse. Neirest to the Kirk, farthest fra God. Need makes Virtue. Never rade, never fell. Nothing is difficile to a weill willed man. Need gars naked men run, and sorrow gars Websters spin. No man can seek his marrow in the Kirn, so weil as he that hes bin in it himself.

It is but just to remember the 'indefatigable and undissuadable' John Knox's statement, 'the melody lyked her weill, and she willed the same to be continewed some nightis after. For my part, however, I distrust John Knox's musical feeling, and incline sympathetically to the Sieur de Brantome's account, with its 'vile fiddles' and 'discordant psalms, although his judgment was doubtless a good deal depressed by what he called the si grand brouillard that so dampened the spirits of Mary's French retinue.

"Weill," he said gently, "suppose it had been your little girl?" The grocer pulled out his handkerchief and mopped his bald forehead. But he rallied a little. "You fight these damage cases for the street railroads all through the courts." "Yes," Mr. Watling agreed, "but there a principle is involved.

When he came to the office he insisted on discussing the case with Mr. Watling, who sent for me. "That is a bright young man," Mr. Weill declared, shaking my hand. "He will get on." "Some day," said Mr. Watling, "he may save you a lot of money, Weill." "When my friend Mr. Watling is United States Senator, eh?" Mr. Watling laughed. "Before that, I hope.