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How came this wild Bushman into the service of the ex-field-cornet Von Bloom? About that there is a little romantic history. Thus: Among the savage tribes of Southern Africa there exists a very cruel custom, that of abandoning their aged or infirm, and often their sick or wounded, to die in the desert.

But you may judge for yourself, boy reader, after you have heard the "history and adventures" of the "trek-boer" and his family. The ex-field-cornet was seated in front of his kraal for such is the name of a South African homestead. From his lips protruded a large pipe, with its huge bowl of meerschaum. Every boer is a smoker.

How came this wild Bushman into the service of the ex-field-cornet Von Bloom? About that there is a little romantic history. Thus: Among the savage tribes of Southern Africa there exists a very cruel custom, that of abandoning their aged or infirm, and often their sick or wounded, to die in the desert.

But you may judge for yourself, boy reader, after you have heard the "history and adventures" of the "trek-boor" and his family. The ex-field-cornet was seated in front of his kraal for such is the name of a South African homestead. From his lips protruded a large pipe, with its huge bowl of meerschaum. Every boor is a smoker.