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I must see him after breakfast and bid him caution his wife to use less." But as they rose from the table John came in unsummoned, and carrying a fine large goose under each arm. Bowing low: "I ish come to pring two gooses to de von hundredth birthday," he announced; "dey pees goot, peaceable pirds: I ish know dem for twenty years, and dey nefer makes no droubles."

"Papineau he tells me in Carcajou it look like you come ofer here to make drouble for Hugo an' mebbe for dis young leddy. So I come here fast like my togs can take me, sure ting. Und I vant to know vhen you vants to start droubles. Der leddies can move leetle vay to one side if dey like, to make room. Ve need plenty, I tank. Who vant to start de row now, who begin?

She vas in dot hospitals. Den his little poy, Midget, is sick. Poor Billy!" Andy suddenly remembered something. He craned his neck and looked steadfastly along the road. "I want to leave the wagon when we get a little further along," he said. "I likes not dot," answered Snitzellbaum. "Maybe you gets in droubles, so?" "No, it's when we reach an old barn," explained Andy.

"Vater! Vater!" he cried. "Dis iss droubles! Make us off dis durdle gwick!" "Sinking?" Ned called back. Further talk with the German informed Ned that water was seeping into the different compartments of the Shark, and that the inmates were already perched on tables and on the stairs leading to the platform.

"Now you go," said Johnny, when at last he paused, breathless from all his exertions, and with one final shake released his captive; "go und tell de gran'fader I fin' vat is de matter out, und I gifs de vorst vips as I could gif to de vorst poy in all de down, und so I safes him some droubles. But if he dinks to gif you some more of de same veesic, I dink it not too moosh.

Now I dell you vat I vill do, so as to have no more droubles mit you, ven I have mine pizness to addend I vill give five shillings for it."

I'm a rich man, I tell ye!" "Vell," remarked Vanderzee with stolid calm. "If you puy a monkey in some oder blaces, don'd pring him here to me. You vant me droubles to haff der bolice mit, hey? A few trinks you get, der sun your het in, und dronk der Cuartel in und my license I loose maype."

You voult goin' to marry mit a Dago mens, voult you! Ha, ha! Soife you right! He run away!" The old man laughed unamiably. "Ha, ha! Dago mens foolt dod smard Bertha. Dod's pooty tough. But, bei Gott, you stop dod noise und ect lige a detzent voomans, or you goin' haf droubles mit your uncle Louie Gratz!"