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A large Pereskia, trained along the roof in the Cactus-house at Kew, has recently been grafted with a number of pieces of C. flagelliformis, which in a few years will, no doubt, form a handsome specimen. In the same establishment a specimen of C. Mallisoni is grafted on the stem of another kind, and is very attractive when in flower. C. serpentinus thrives well upon its own roots.

This entails no exceptional treatment; the numerous seeds contained in each fruit germinate freely if sown in sandy soil, and placed on a shelf in a warm house; and the smallest branches root quickly if planted in pots of open soil and kept in the Cactus-house. Large branches root just as freely as small ones.

The delicious almond scent of the flowers of this fine Cactus is so strong, that during the flowering period the atmosphere of the large Cactus-house at Kew Gardens is permeated with it, the large specimens there having usually a score or more flowers open together, the effect of which is truly grand.

MacDonald, and was planted at the back of the old Cactus-house, and trained against a wall. It first showed symptoms of blossoming in July, 1851. Mag. 3458. This is very like C. grandiflorus, and is slightly and not very agreeably perfumed. The flowers sometimes open very early in the morning and fade in the afternoon, so that they may be enjoyed during the day-time.