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"Yes," exclaimed the girl, "I remember reading something about it in Scottish history. And the Whispers are, I suppose, said to be the ghostly conspirators in conclave." "That's what folk say, miss. They div say as weel that Auld Nick himsel' was present, an' gied the decision that the Cardinal, wha was to be askit ower frae Stirlin', should dee.

"It wes this verra mornin' that a man askit me hoo tae get tae the Strand. "'Haud on, I says, 'till ye come tae a cross street, and dinna gang doon it, and when ye see anither pass it, but whup roond the third, and yir nose 'ill bring ye tae the Strand. "He was a shachlin bit cratur, and he lookit up at me. "'Where were you born, officer? in his clippit English tongue.

Well, the mornin' ye came back frae Charleston, she was lyin' white an' still on the pillow. She hadna spoke a' through the nicht, an' we a' thocht she wad speak nae mair but at six o'clock yir train blew afore it came into the station. An' wee Issie stirred on the pillow. Her lips moved an' I pit doon my ear. "'He'll be on that train, she whispered low. 'Wha'll be on the train? I askit her.

"I think Andie Scougal's sold me him or his mate wha kent some part of the affair or else Charlie's clerk callant, which would be a pity too," says Alan; "and if you askit me for just my inward private conviction, I think there'll be heads cracked on Gillane sands." "Alan," I cried, "if you're at all right there'll be folk there and to spare. It'll be small service to crack heads."

So I askit him civilly to pay me the hundred-and-fifty pund that was due me on the horses, and no sooner were the words oot o' my mouth, than he swore he would have me hung, drawn and quartered, for a murdering rogue, a thief and a liar. "I heard him till he was clean oot o' breath, and then I explained again.

Drumtochty is no a pairish tae trifle wi', an' it disna like new-fangled wys. Power!" and the scorn for this unorthodox division was withering. Rebecca realised the gravity of the situation in the kitchen, and humbled herself greatly. "It wes as a hearer that he askit ma opinion, an' no as an authority.

And it is amusing that he should do such a thing...." And now Billy had disappeared, and Herr Heinrich was on the verge of tears. It was so ungrateful of Billy. Without a word. "They leave my window open," he complained to Mr. Direck. "Often I have askit them not to. And of course he did not understand. He has out climbit by the ivy. Anything may have happened to him. Anything.

Do you not think the girls imagine, or at least exaggerate? 'Maybe; but Susan Greenlees a lassie I ken, that works in a print-mill telt me one o' them reproved her for haein' a long white ostrich feather in her hat, and Susan, she just says, "Naebody askit you to pay for it," an' left.

I askit that same o' Rab Burns ance; an' he said, puir chiel, he 'didna ken ower well, we maun bide and see'; bide and see that's the gran' philosophy o' life, after a'. Aiblins folk'll ken their true freens there; an' there'll be na mair luve coft and sauld for siller "Gear and tocher is needit nane I' the country whaur my luve is gane.

'Weel, there was anither puir widdie a far-off cousin o' hers, that had a bairn born till her after her man died, and the puir widdie juist askit Mistress Wallace to be its godmither.