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He told me it was to be two o'clock afternoon. "And about the place?" I pursued. "Whatten place?" says Andie. "The place I'm to be landed at," said I. He owned there was nothing as to that. "Very well, then," I said, "this shall be mine to arrange.

One after another they were coming into view, their long hulls and high spars reaching across the wind. Between the gray sky and the slaty sea their white sails looked whiter than chalk. We had to name the different vessels then. "There's Tom O'Donnell and Wesley Marrs and Sam Hollis and " sung out Andie Howe. "Sam Hollis where's Sam Hollis?" broke in Mel Adams.

In vain is the net spread in the sight of any fowl, the scripture says. Well, fowls must be wiser than folk! For I thought I perceived the policy, and yet fell in with it. I was in this frame, my heart beating, the grey eyes plain before me like two stars, when Andie broke in upon my musing. "I see ye hae gotten guid news," said he.

At a quarter past ten o'clock on the morning following Ayscough's revelation to Zillah, the detective was closeted with a man from the Criminal Investigation Department at New Scotland Yard in a private room at the local police station, and with them was the superior official who had been fetched to the pawnshop in Praed Street immediately after the discovery of Daniel Multenius's body by Andie Lauriston.

They ought've put a few sticks of dynamite in her and blown her to pieces ages ago. She's forty years old if she's a day her old planks rotten. They won't keep her afloat over-night if they're out in this. Why d'y's'pose people leave a good lively little city like Halifax to go to a place like Canso? Why?" Andie Howe happened to be within hearing, and "Maybe the rent's cheaper," suggested Andie.

There were times when I thought I could have heard the pious sound of psalms out of the martyrs' dungeons, and seen the soldiers tramp the ramparts with their glinting pipes, and the dawn rising behind them out of the North Sea. No doubt it was a good deal Andie and his tales that put these fancies in my head.

"The truth is I have nae goo for Neil," says Andie, "nor he for me, I'm thinking; and I would like ill to come to my hands wi' the man. Tam Anster will make a better hand of it with the cattle onyway." And troth! the mair I think of it, the less I see what way we would be required. The place ay, feggs! they had forgot the place. Eh, Shaws, ye're a lang-heided chield when ye like!

Let me explain something first Andie Lauriston here has been living in London for two years he's a literary gift, and he hopes to make a name, and perhaps a fortune. I've succeeded to my father's business, and I'm only here in London on a visit. And it's well I came, for Andie wanted a friend. Now, Mr.

"The head's worth two hundred pounds, Robin," said Stewart. "Gosh, that'll no' be Alan Breck?" cried the clerk. "Just Alan," said his master. "Weary winds! that's sayrious," cried Robin. "I'll try Andie, then; Andie'll be the best." "It seems it's quite a big business," I observed. "Mr. Balfour, there's no end to it," said Stewart. "There was a name your clerk mentioned," I went on: "Hoseason.

Ayscough's been at the shop tonight. The police have had an expert examining those rings, and the rings in the tray. He says there are marks private, jewellers' marks in the two rings which correspond with marks in our rings. In fact, there's no doubt of it. And now, the police are certain that the two rings did belong to our tray and and they're bent on arresting Andie!"