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I'd got a trace of my child the missus thought she'd gone to th' workhouse to be nursed; and there I went and there, sure enough, she had been and they'd turned her out as she were strong, and told her she were young enough to work but whatten kind o' work would be open to her, lad, and her baby to keep?"

'I've not gone fra' home for nought; I'se picked up a measter on my travels, leastways one as is to be. 'Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia smiling, as she found that now she might reveal Molly's secret, which hitherto she had kept sacred. 'Charley Kinraid be hung! said Molly, with a toss of her head. 'Whatten good's a husband who's at sea half t' year?

I'll wipe the chair, so that it shanna dirty your cloak. My mother used to wear them bright cloaks, and they're right gradely things again a green field." "Han ye known Susan Palmer long?" asked Mrs. Leigh, pleased with the admiration of her cloak. "Ever since they comed to live in our street. Our Sally goes to her school." "Whatten sort of a lass is she, for I ha' never seen her?"

Archie!" she would say, "whatten a time o' night is this of it! God forgive me for a daft wife!" So it befell, by good management, that she was not only the first to begin these nocturnal conversations, but invariably the first to break them off; so she managed to retire and not to be dismissed. A Border Family

"You've not got a bit o' money by you, Barton?" asked he. "Not I; who has now, I'd like to know. Whatten you want it for?" "I donnot* want it for mysel', tho' we've none to spare. But don ye know Ben Davenport as worked at Carsons? He's down wi' the fever, and ne'er a stick o' fire nor a cowd potato in the house." *"Don" is constantly used in Lancashire for "do"; as it was by our older writers.

She gathered a piece of southern-wood, and stuffed it up her nose, by way of smelling it. "Whatten you call this in your country?" asked she. "Old-man," replied Ruth. "We call it here lad's-love. It and peppermint-drops always remind me of going to church in the country. Here! I'll get you a black-currant leaf to put in the teapot. It gives it a flavour.

'I've not gone fra' home for nought; I'se picked up a measter on my travels, leastways one as is to be. 'Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia smiling, as she found that now she might reveal Molly's secret, which hitherto she had kept sacred. 'Charley Kinraid be hung! said Molly, with a toss of her head. 'Whatten good's a husband who's at sea half t' year?

She stopped for a moment. 'Ay, lass! Philip read it thee, and whatten might it say? 'Only that he had an offer for Haytersbank Farm, and would set mother free to go as soon as t' crops was off t' ground. She sighed a little as she said this. "'Only!" sayst ta?

Eh, laddie! he continued, 'sic an end to ane wha was regairded as belongin' to the Saints! Wae's me for the godly, and again he lifted his eyes upward as a hound crying u-lu-lu for his lost master. Then he gave me a sharp look, somewhat askance, as he asked me swiftly, 'Whatten a discourse, think ye, will ye get frae your meenister o' the Tron Kirk the morn?

Ye mind me o' a bonny ship pitten oot into the black and gowsty seas ye're a' safe still, sittin' quait and crackin' wi' Kirstie in your lown chalmer; but whaur will ye be the morn, and in whatten horror o' the fearsome tempest, cryin' on the hills to cover ye?" "Why, Kirstie, you're very enigmatical to-night and very eloquent," Archie put in. "And, my dear Mr.